UR Class of 2026 Admissions

My son has been accepted at some schools that are more competitive admission-wise, but seems drawn to the overall vibe and size of UR. He is now looking more deeply into the strength of Richmond’s Science and applied math/Statistics programs. Does anyone have any insight into those?

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Where else ?

ND and UChicago. Chicago is off the list; a great school, but likely not a great fit for him. Also loves ND, where he where he could do a dual degree in The College of Science and the College of Engineering or double major in Chem and applied math and statistics. He currently attends a school with about 100 in his class with most classes having 10-15 students, and thrives in that atmosphere( which is part of the appeal of UR). He is waiting to hear from Haverford, Hopkins, Rice, Williams,Duke, Midd, Stanford and and some ivies. Rice is also a top contender ( if he gets in). He is social, but not a partier ( has a health condition and his health would be compromised if drinking became a habit). We consider Stanford and the ivies super reach schools; his college counselor believes that he will get into at least one of Hopkins, Rice, Midd, and Williams. UR is also a little bigger than the other LACs, which adds to its appeal for him. We are fortunate in that the scholarship does not need to influence the decision, especially because his childhood was interrupted by a life threatening health condition, and he suffered a lot. So, we want him to have a very positive college experience. Any advice would be appreciated!


I have 3 daughters that attended/attend ND. My son is now choosing his school with ND and UR both in the running. I would be happy to answer any questions that you have about ND. Is there a way to send personal messages through this forum?

Click on the username and then message!

Congrats! My daughter applied EA, received her acceptance on Jan. 21st and yesterday we got the news that she was a Presidential Scholarship recipient.

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A post was split to a new thread: UR Class of 2026 Admissions - Results only

My son was thrilled with his admission but was hoping for merit aid as well. He didn’t get any originally…does anyone have any sense of the latest that it might be awarded? I’ve seen that a few people have been notified within the past week or so about presidential scholarships, but am assuming the odds of him getting anything are quickly dwindling.

if Richmond was a reach for him then he probably won’t get merit aid. I heard that the presidential scholars are the top 10% of the applicant pool

Does anyone know when RD results will be released?

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did anyone get an email about applying to the bonner scholars program?

When I got deferred I believe it said around April 1st!

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Hey guys, for those of you who are deferred, on your portal, when you click on events does it say “admitted students events?” Don’t want to read into anything but maybe it is a glimmer of hope?

Where do u see this?? I definitely do not, but I am also currently on my phone looking at it but I don’t see anything

In the portal (on my laptop), top menu bar has three options: my application, financial aid, and events. This was under the “events” tab. I honestly don’t think it means anything but just wondering if we all see the same thing.

I see it

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i see it now

hopefully it is a good thing!

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I see it too, I tried clicking on the events, and then tried to see if I could book an event and I get told “access denied” :/.

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if you were deferred what are your stats?

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Any thoughts on when RD decisions will be released? I believe they were released on March 12th last year. I’ve not seen anything indicating they will be that early this year.