Urgent question about school forms

<p>I'm doing my application to NYU via the Common Application. However, my secondary school report, one teacher recommendation, and my transcript haven't been submitted... It seems I'll have to wait until I go back to school on January 4 to resolve that problem, but the application deadline is January 1. I can submit every other part of the application. Would there be an issue if some of the school forms went in later?</p>

<p>I’m not sure, but I think everything had to be postmarked on or before January 1st.</p>

<p>yeh everything had to be in… :(</p>

<p>Meh. I’m in a pretty egregious situation now because of this nonsense.</p>

<p>there shouldn’t be an issue if the school forms come in later, as long as your part of the deal is submitted on time.
Best to call/email to make sure though</p>

<p>I know my school has sent all the information and it has been received, but that isn’t showing on the common app for me.</p>

<p>Directly from NYU:</p>

<p>“Pay attention to deadlines. Applications postmarked after the deadlines will be considered only if space remains available in the NYU school/college and the program you desire.” </p>

<p>They also say:</p>

<p>“We will inform you of any missing items in your application file. However, it is your responsibility to make certain that the Office of Undergraduate admissions receives all of the information required to complete your application.”</p>

<p>I’m definitely submitting all I can before the deadline. The school forms, assuming they’re not in, will be dealt with accordingly I suppose.</p>