***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Where will the scholarship decisions be within the website,

People who applied before 12/1 and didn’t get merit won’t know whether they were accepted till March 23rd right?

@emli8100 correct

@teddyh thanks. also, do people who get passed over for merit get any smaller scholarships?

@emli8100 I believe that the people who don’t the presidential scholarships get most of the dean’s, so it is probably unlikely for you to get much. But you never know…

I applied before the 12/1 deadline, but did not get any scholarship interviews. Are there other merit scholarships that I’d be notified about on Friday (like the 20k and under ones)? Or will I have to wait until next Friday for scholarship/admission information?

The scholarships coming out supposedly this week are the ones that people interviewed for (Pres/Trustees). Next week with the regular decisions may be some Deans (although the majority of those were usually already given) or smaller departmental ones like 1-3k types.

@CADREAMIN – Just curious - did USC indicate decisions and announcement of Trustees/Presidential scholarships would come out this week?

@CA1543 Not officially, but the fact that all of the releases in the past have been on the Friday before regular decisions gives us enough confidence to assume that the pattern will continue this year.

do rejection letters come in a small white envelope?

@mimimo7890 yes, and the portal should update on the 25th at noon. Or at least it is rumored to do so.

its funny how we wont even have to open the envelope to know if we get accepted or not :confused:


Will our portals be updated with our admissions decisions on the 23rd, or is it just by mail? On the portals right now it says “Please be aware that all final admission decisions are sent via postal mail.” But some people in this thread are saying they will be updated there in addition to mail.

@carlie0131 I’ve heard the postal mail goes out on the 23rd and the portal updates the 26th or so.

Do scholarships for people who got in regular decision come out March 23rd too

There really aren’t significant scholarships that come out with regular decision, they came out in January.

nicely done

@mariamiranda7 ED III is not an option at USC.

just kidding i actually read that… haha