***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@TreeLights and @wannabetrojann my daughter applied by 11/22 and I think her school report, transcript and letter from counselor as well as SAT scores arrived just on 12/1. We had checked with the school because it appeared SAT scores were not arriving by 12/1 and they said she could upload her own unofficial report of SAT scores and it might be considered as on time for scholarship consideration if the real ones arrived within a couple of days. So then she did that and they acknowledged receipt, but then the real ones arrived on time anyway. She did get the email that wannabetrojann described. However she never got this letter and book/magazine TreeLights described either. Did anyone else get this?

@wannabetrojann Someone a while back (post #209) was asking if there were some people who hadn’t gotten the Viterbi magazine to try to figure out if it means anything. No one was willing to say they didn’t get it, so it’s hard to know if it means anything if you do or don’t get it. If everyone really wanted to use CC as a way to pass along helpful info (even if it’s scary to admit), then they should be willing to share that kind of info like you did.

Viterbi magazine probably only went to those that applied to the College of Engineering and to alums that went to Viterbi. My DD applied to USC Dornslife. I get the magazine regularly (USC Viterbi alum), she didn’t. That said, I would be surprised if getting the magazine is an indication of admission potential.

OH if it is specifically a magazine about Viterbi then it makes sense we didn’t receive it as my daughter also applied to Dornsife.

Guys I honestly don’t think getting the magazine is any indication of admission potential beyond some sort of raw formula. Literally I’m probably one of the least qualified people in this thread. Maybe I’ll eat my words next week (fingers crossed) but it’s unlikely, they’ll probably want my grades from this semester.
My parents aren’t alums btw. Honestly, don’t worry about this. It has to mean literally nothing.

I’m not worried about the magazine and what it means. (Although FYI, I did apply to Viterbi!)

I’m mainly concerned about not having any confirmation that my application met the scholarship deadline and will be considered for the merit scholarships – I read that some people received a confirmation email if not physical letter or magazine (if they applied for Viterbi). If I didn’t receive an email stating that my application will be considered for scholarships, does that mean the adcoms actually didn’t?

Don’t compare yourself to what others received or didn’t receive. It varies by school and major you applied to. It can also vary by when you applied and if they have enough booklets or mailers to send, when the FA office looks at your stuff, random things like that. One year Viterbi quit sending the big engineering booklets to applicants because they were printing a new guide up. So some got them, some didn’t.

If you applied by December 1st you are being considered for merit scholarships. Period.

Remember about 1200+ will be notified of getting a scholarship or being in running for scholarships. 55,000+ applicants (yes, more than 55,000) will not hear anything next week. Of those, around 30,000 that did apply by December 1st will get an update to their portal and a physical letter a few days later saying they did not get merit award and will be notified if they are admitted in March. So while a big deal obviously, this early notification affects very few statistically. Good luck but be mentally prepared for a longer wait. The celebration is huge for some but the angst can be brutal for many. Hang in there!

@wannabetrojann if you got confirmation E-mail from USC admission office before or on 12/1, that means you are considered for scholarship basically. that’s only thing you can confirm without any extra E-mail or Magazine with the letter which described about scholarships.i think…

What if I submitted my application before 12/1 but received the confirmation email on 12/3?

@krystalee in that case, you had better ask USC admission office with the evidence, ex.Common App’s comfirmation Email time stamp etc… but it may be too late…because scholarship decision almost was done maybe…

i never got them either ! I’m worried

@krystalee SAME!!! I applied 11/30, got my application confirmation email (NON-scholarship confirmation) on 12/4. Ahhhh, I’m so worried; USC is my #1 choice.

Thank you for your input @CADREAMIN :slight_smile:

They see when it came in, when you got the email is irrelevant. It is USC, they are not IBM so things aren’t occuring within same nanosecond, there are just a few people managing all this - don’t worry! One more time…

If you applied by December 1st you are being considered for merit scholarships. Period.

Good luck all and Fight ON!

my portal has been down for the past 2 days now!! I am trying to upload my parents 2015 tax return form. ugh… should i email them?

@mayamurray Have you tried a different brand of internet browser? You may want to try that first. Sometimes, while it will not open with Firefox or Internet Explorer, it may with Chrome, etc.

Was just awarded a full ride to the University of Michigan, so unless USC offers me a scholarship next week, they’re definitely out of the running for me.

@tito17 Congrats! U of Michigan is certainly a top-tier public university. Invest in winter-wear :slight_smile:

Congrats @tito17! UM is fantastic school. The COA is lower at UM as well so that will be a hard deal to beat but ya never know. Great to have that in hand!

@WWWard i use safari… its my only browser… my portal used to work. just hasn’t in a few days.

@mayamurray Do you have a phone you can try it on?