***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

If you live 30 min away from USC and they mailed out packages yesterday, then you would have gotten your package already. I’m pretty sure that nothing was mailed out yesterday; otherwise at least one person in Socal would have posted an acceptance by yesterday night. There’s no point waiting for it over the weekend. Expect it either on 1/23 or 1/27!

@wannabetrojann How could you possibly get something the same day it’s mailed? The mail is sorted and put on trucks in the early morning, well before USC would have opened and then got the packages ready for the mail.

Ya I don’t think the mail would’ve come that quickly. And there was a big storm yesterday that LA is not used to dealing with so traffic was a mess.

In the past, LA residents receive the package the day after it’s mailed. But whether we get it today or next week it doesn’t matter: we’ve all worked very hard to be where we are now and all we can do is trust in our abilities and hope it was a sunny day when our applications were read!

Whoever said that they received a phone call regarding a scholarship app, my admission counselor called my house around the time I received the packet in 2014, so it may or may not mean something.

I live 45 mins away from USC- just got my mail today and there was nothing, so either it’s being mailed on Monday or I didn’t get a scholarship!

Greetings from the east coast! Good luck to everyone!

I’m in Bay area and it takes 2 days (according to USPS) for a priority shipment to reach us. Just collected my mail and it wasn’t there.

I just want to say good luck to everyone. I’m sure everyone here is qualified and deserves the admission/scholarship. I have heard nothing so far (I’m in Colorado, so mine won’t be here for a few days). Good luck to you all. Hope to see you on campus!

Good luck to everyone! I’m out in Massachusetts, so I’ll be the last to know either way!

@liliana330 oooh don’t want to get my hopes up but thanks !!!

There would be pages of postings if they went out yesterday so it looks like it could be the 27th unless they really change it up and go midweek. Ya never know what they are gonna do till they do - just keep it positive and upbeat on here - it can be nerve wracking for sure, not much longer regardless.

Thx. For a second I thought goodbye USC

I am hoping my child gets the chance to have an interview for a merit scholarship too! Nothing in today’s mail and we live very close to USC…

Honestly, I’m sure someone has posted this already, but here is a results thread for whenever the results come out.


@Hockey9131 Hey! Colorado as well. Fingers crossed!

Guys, I think @s0meUSCkid95 was right haha

@s0meUSCkid95 do you have any info on when/how internationals will receive the decision? I still haven’t received my viterbi financial aid mail packet thing that others have got so I doubt a mail update would reach me any time soon

I think it is pretty easy to be right when you don’t post anything in a conversation that has gone on for weeks, until the day some thought they would be mailed and say, “they weren’t mailed,” which at that point was pretty obvious to everyone.

Oh, and they haven’t arrived yet. Yipeee I’m right. :wink:

I appreciate the people trying to be helpful and put in a lot of time answering the best they can - their intentions are always good, the students just got bum info from different divisions within USC. And CAdreamin has consistently said we couldn’t be sure if it was this past Friday or next week. When we go through this, I tell mine to stay off here and forget it, he will know when he knows. But it is hard not to check, totally.

I checked the admissions center’s snapchat and they’re on a retreat lol