***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@CADREAMIN @Jamsmama @mintyicedtea When my daughter was accepted to an ivy 2 years ago, I checked her portal because she was at sports practice and asked me to check. She forgot about the time change so she wasn’t expecting to hear until later. I showed up at the school, right when practice was over, with balloons and flowers in the school’s colors and her printed out acceptance letter. We were both surprised and overjoyed that she got in. We both cried and hugged and we will both always remember that moment. I think however you find out about your admission decision can be memorable…at the mailbox or through a portal. Many of the schools she applied to don’t release decisions until the evening EST, which is still after school PST. So, I personally don’t agree that portal acceptances have to be distracting at school. I loved that they told the kids exactly what time the decisions would come out, so every student around the world could hit enter and find out at the exact same time.

@jjmama I love the idea of going to the school! I thought of filling my son’s car with balloons so he’d find them, the packet and me when he left school. I might be afraid to have him drive home right after the excitement, though!

What a sweet sweet wonderful story, thanks for sharing! There are so many ways for it to be special. I agree about the portal that can be cool too, one of mine got into a school and when you clicked “status” this amazing video came up with large and small groups of students around campus saying congratulations with peppy music - it was awesome. I like that better than just the “decision made: accepted” line. I like a little fanfare however it is received.

I could totally see your mom-daughter moment there, very special indeed.

My brother was having extremely bad luck with his colleges 2 years ago. He got rejected from every one of his top schools (MIT, Caltech, Stanford, etc.) before we went to Italy for Spring Break. He was in the bathroom one morning in Florence when he runs out naked into the hotel lobby to bang on our parents’ door (we had separate hotel rooms) screaming “I got into Berkeley!” We threw him a towel to cover his nakedness but there was not a thing in the world that could cover his gleaming smile—I hope I can have a clothed version of that excitement.

Best story ever!

Does USC still offer scholarships (if yes, how much usually) if you aren’t chosen this week? thanks :slight_smile:

So, if I don’t get any letter this week, I am “reject” for admission?

@mochiko No, this week you’ll either find out that you’ve been accepted with a scholarship or that you’re still being considered until March

@Swiper902 - That is sooo good! Now that’s a celebration, no doubt he owned that moment!!!

USC’s admissions twitter says we will be notified Feb, not Jan…So i’m unsure if decisions were mailed today

@sprinkle unless I’m mistaken, that was about a week ago, and they post the same thing every year. No one had posted on here or Twitter by this time relative to the letters being sent last year. I think they were. That person with inside info said they did, and it seems like someone from admissions has given that info (correctly) every year.

oh okay gotcha! I applied for the Iovine Young Academy (dec 1st deadline), not merit scholarship, so hopefully I get a response soon too! thanks

@sprinkle just so you know, you’ll still be considered for scholarships (and possibly asked to interview).

@CADREAMIN I think they’re trying to something of that sort, with live-in faculty teaching classes in the buildings themselves, but I’m pretty sure it’s still in the developmental stages. This is USC’s first year doing residential colleges, so it will take a while for them to really find what works and what doesn’t, but based on my experience as an RA, it’s difficult to get people to even just show up at events in the building, whatever those may be. I don’t know how themed buildings will help. At the same time, what I find really interesting is that USC seems to be pressing for more suite-style dorms for freshmen, and it’s really difficult to meet people and bond with your floor on those. Even McCarthy is going to be suites, whereas what was so great about Birnkrant was that not only did honors students take classes together a lot etc. but the whole floor layout allowed them to actually bond with each other.

@WWWard Yes, Webb and CarGar are gone from the first-year options. I honestly don’t mind seeing CarGar go, since it was mostly continuing students anyway and it was a little alienating for freshmen, but Webb is a real shame. I lived there last year and absolutely loved my time there! It was also the only first-year option with a kitchen and the only freshman building that stays open over the winter break, so it was really convenient for internationals.

However, they’re now ensuring that spring admits only get places with other freshmen and that transfers get placed together. They’re even opening up A&H for transfers, from what I’ve heard.

@menloparkmom @WWWard

Sorry, I didn’t read the rest of the conversation, but yes, Century, CarGar and La Sorbonne will all be torn down in about 5 years, as they’ll be expanding the village. As of now, though, they’re still options for continuing undergraduate students, and so is Cardinal N’ Gold. La Sorbonne is mostly for the football team, though.

I would NOT recommend the Lorenzo. It’s really far, the area is not safe, the shuttle is unreliable and it’s relatively expensive. I personally also have an issue with open hallways, but I know that doesn’t bother a lot of people. I’ve also heard several roommate horror stories, so it is not advisable to go random there, since not all residents attend USC (a lot of people from FIDM live there). Gateway is nice, kind of expensive and with management issues, but you can’t beat the location. I’ve also heard good things about the Shrine Apartments and Tuscany (both are USC approved). Other than those, a lot of people live at West 27th or at Icon. West 27th is not in a great location, but Icon is really close to campus (that’s the one next to the Radisson, Gateway is by Shrine/the New North area).

@layrasparks I shared the exact sentiments with wwward about Lorenzo and recommended Gateway too. We had one there the last two years and had zero problems. Location is fabulous and safe (a parent’s priorities), the wading pool area is cool and my student had this incredible downtown view. We had heard of mgmt issues, but I must say over the two years he was there, they were super prompt fixing things and easy to work with, so I think that bad management rep is from years past. Setting up auto pay is easy and per person (which is so much easier than some outside apartments with their weird financial arrangements), good parking is available for people that want cars, so it worked great.

The spring admit and transfer grouping is great news for those students. It can be hard for them to merge and find their people, so that is good.

Yes, USC has a long way to go to get to true benefits of residential colleges, but I think it could really be worth the (long) effort. To put it simply, when residential colleges are done right, every student has the benefits that it seems only the scholarship/honors kids currently get at USC. Teaching within the buildings, classes together, events that people want to do, it really feels like you are part of a special group with a sense of pride. And as an RA, you don’t have a problem getting people to show up, because it is a welcome part of the lifestyle. If they build it, they will come! It really changes the bonding dynamics at a school. But as we said, a huge undertaking being they are starting with the giant population they now have, and they already have a few little projects going on. :wink:

@CADREAMIN @WWWard is it possible that after people get selected for the big four scholarships at USC, they can get the interview done via the skype or is it compulsory to have the interview at the USC LA campus?

@slightlymad You have to interview in person. USC in years past has provided students with some money to help offset the cost of flying in. I believe it’s only $200 for those out of state. And it’s only for students, not parents. I don’t think there is any additional funds provided for internationals.

My daughter applied to the Iovine Young Academy (first choice) and Dornsife (second choice). I think the academy first notifies the potential student of an interview, anyone know how they are notified? Also by mail? And if she does not get an interview with the academy when will she hear form Dornsife?

Thanks, @layrasparks & @CADREAMIN

Mainly, I believe that it is a shame about Webb no longer being a freshman option. My older daughter really enjoyed being there as a freshman, and so my younger daughter was hoping for the same opportunity. If she is granted admission. I guess that she will now have a hard time identifying her top choice among Fluor, Parkside and International (the only remaining suite options - unless Honors). Personally, I am thankful that so many prefer residence hall / dorm room living… as my girls do not. I did not like my experience as a college freshman either back then.

In our case, we will still have much to figure out. If D2 is not admitted this week, she will have to wait until late March to hear. So D1 will already have gone through the lottery assignment process for housing. If she ends up getting Century for the 3rd year in a row, or something similar, she will be content. If not, we may have to explore those other non-USC apartment options. Hopefully, with the opening of USC Village, more seniors will be getting housing too. If D2 is then eventually admitted and gets a freshman suite, she will likely be content. If not… we will be apartment shopping for her as well.

But… it will all work itself out. We really just want D2 to be at USC somehow…