***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Thank you

@jjb77823 I know of a girl who had a 31 and got the Presidential scholarship last year and then got an additional 20k from Annenberg. She was also a first gen URM soooooo

@methlabrador So sorry! I thought that’s what I read. I’ve been working on the application for a while and I could have sworn I saw something about not being eligible if you get a merit scholarship. Honestly the best way to tell if you’ve got it or not is to wait it out and see what your letter says.

Guys I said this before but scores are not what get you in! My older brother was a trustee nomination and he had a 31 and 1980. His essay didn’t talk about how usc is the perfect fit for him and how he’d take advantages there. Rather, it was a honest response that came off as extremely genuine. Everyone please have hope for yourselves!

Ugh usc is all over the place so im super super super nervous

If I live in LA County, near Redondo Beach and didn’t get anything today, that means I didn’t get a scholarship, yeah? It’s about 30 minutes away.

How does everyone know San Diego is coming tmrw?

@emli8100 I believe someone mentioned a FedEx or UPS map which shows how long it takes for certain areas to receive a piece of mail sent from USC. I believe LA County is one of the one-day delivery areas (so you should have received something today). However, I could be wrong. The package could have also been held up for a wide variety of reasons. Stuff happens. Wishing you the best of luck!

Apparently alabama is in the 2 day too though? I dont know i am hoping but doubtful for here

San Diego always comes on day 2, has for last several years. Actually, a lot of the country will get it tomorrow. Then another chunk on Thursday. It’s weird as mail goes, someone in Illinois or Florida will get it tomorrow, but someone in Colorado will get it Thursday. Just depends on the ol’ USPS!


Enter zip 90089 on that link, that is USC’s zip code. It will give you a shaded map with 1, 2 and 3 day delivery areas for Priority Mail, which is how this is sent.

Hey @wwward a lot of your state is in the 2!

anyone with portal update?

Not till 26th for portal.

Just want to say what great people you all seem to be - so supportive and courteous to each other, thankful of posts - you are such an impressive bunch!

USC or any other campus will be really lucky to have you guys. Wish you the best on day 2!

Guys, just wondering but…

When do postmen usually deliver the mail? Both of my parents work during the day and have the keys to our mailbox. I’m probably going to ask one of them for a key today so I can find out as soon as I get home tomorrow, but I get home pretty early on Wednesdays, and I don’t want to be a nervous wreck waiting around for the mail for an hour.

@dewrrrett Depends on where you live, honestly–not the city, but the street/neighborhood. You could ask one of your neighbors if they know when the mail typically gets delivered!

@CADREAMIN i heard that if i have got the email regarding topping scholarship, I am out of merit consideration. is that true? did u receive that email? so nervous at this time. USC no merit acceptance is a rejection for me. Oh God! Why can’t they post the decisions at least for international students?

Wait so if I got an admissions package today but there was no mention of a scholarship what does that mean?

Just go back a page on this thread that came up. No that is not true though. The Topping is for students with need. These scholarships are merit based. Hang in there!

Does anyone have any info for international students? I’m assuming mail won’t reach before the portal updates.

In the past they used DHL, I have heard it getting to some places (Asia) in as fast as 3 days and taking as long as two weeks to others. Yes, portal will likely update first. Good luck!