***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@heysaykayy24 I don’t know if that’s true

@heysaykayy24 I think you can be eligible for Topping and Merit Scholarships at the same time dude

Three friends of mine who live in the same city as me received their acceptances earlier this afternoon. I think it is about time that I accept the fact that I will have to wait until March and did not receive a package. To those who received or end up receiving a package, majorrrr congratulations! To those who didn’t, a couple pieces of paper and cardboard are not the sole dictator of your future… I promise you! You have every right to be disappointed (I definitely was for a while), but don’t beat yourself up over it. Remember that we will all end up exactly where we were meant to be, so don’t sweat it. Best of luck to everyone for all of your applications and admission decisions. Have an awesome rest of your senior year for all you 2017 high school graduates. <3

@tito17 I think @heysaykayy24 Is mistaken as well. It is separate!

@CADREAMIN For a finalist, is there a chance of getting nothing after the scholarship interview? Thanks!

Can you get the Topping scholarship information AND still get other scholarships? @CADREAMIN

I’m living 20 minutes away from USC and I’m pretty anxious right now for the package! I felt so bad when the decision to applying to USC came to me so late (2 weeks before the deadline) because I didn’t think about applying to USC until I went to a college tour at the end of October. My SAT score was not that great (1070/1600), but I tried a lot in volunteering (100 hours +), cabinet positions, and 3.86-3.9 weighted (I didn’t take a lot of APs since back then I didn’t think about applying to prestigious college like USC). I also have great recommendations and I did my best on my application with the hope for Annenberg for Public Relations. Hopefully, I will get the surprise either this week or early next week.



@CADREAMIN do you know this answer? You have a lot of helpful insight :slight_smile:

Late night thoughts: USC is my last decision and I have a full ride at a school I want to go to just as badly as I want to be a Trojan, so unless I get a pretty package in the mail tomorrow, the admissions process is finally over for me. I guess there’s pros and cons to whatever happens tomorrow!

I am totally gonna cheat here (cause I have to get some work done) and copy this post from @madbean. There is a pinned thread on top of USC forum that she started that has lots of answers regarding scholarships in it and it is just a few pages - good read! This is a part of that thread that can answer the current question:

Students who are invited to interview for a particular merit scholarship (Trustee, or Presidential) are finalists in the competitive process to award these prizes. Decisions are based on the interview, so some students will receive the scholarship they interviewed for, while others will not. Each year we observe that the majority of students are awarded the scholarship they are up for–maybe about 2/3 get the prize they are interviewed for would be my guesstimate from CC reports. A small number of Presidential interviewees get boosted up to the Trustee level, while a small number of Trustee interviewees may instead be awarded the Presidential award. And both Trustee and Presidential interviewees have been offered the Dean’s or other scholarships. We have never heard about a finalist receiving nothing at all. USC notifies students of the merit scholarship they have been awarded at the end of March (it comes in a small envelope).


How do you erase a comment?

@brightfuters - Ha, I thought your posts were a rally cry for me to answer something and I was trying to figure out what! lol. No biggie, you can’t erase once posted, just edit. If you ever regret something you can replace it with … within 15 minutes, a post has to have 9 or 10 characters so you can just use periods to blank it out or whatever character you like. :slight_smile:

I’m living 20 minutes away from USC and I’m pretty anxious right now for the package! I felt so bad when the decision to applying to USC came to me so late (2 weeks before the deadline) because I didn’t think about applying to USC until I went to a college tour at the end of October. My SAT score was not that great (1070/1600), but I tried a lot in volunteering (100 hours +), cabinet positions, and 3.86-3.9 weighted (I didn’t take a lot of APs since back then I didn’t think about applying to prestigious college like USC). I also have great recommendations and I did my best on my application with the hope for Annenberg for Public Relations. Hopefully, I will get the surprise either this week or early next week.

Did I read a post on here that said if you are asked to apply for the Topping that it means you aren’t getting another scholarship? Is that what is going around? Topping isn’t awarded until later and is independent from these as far as I know…it doesn’t make sense for invitation to apply to mean you aren’t in the running for merit.

A couple blurbs on Topping:
The NTSAF offers supplemental scholarships to entering freshmen, transfer and graduate students based on the individual USC Financial Aid package of each Scholar. Applicants residing in areas surrounding the University Park Campus and Health Sciences campus and first-generation college students are given primary consideration in the selection process.

The purpose of the NTSAF is to assist entering freshman, transfer and graduate students withhigh financial need, and who demonstrate an extraordinary level of community awareness, in their pursuit of higher education at USC. First-generation college students and local area applicants are given primary consideration in the selection process. Please note that the scholarship is not limited to these populations.

@CADREAMIN If I live in LA County, near Redondo Beach and didn’t get anything today, that means I didn’t get a scholarship, yeah? It’s about 30 minutes away.

@CADREAMIN Yeah @heysaykayy24 must’ve been a bit turned around about the topping award.

@CADREAMIN thanks for the clarification, I was kinda shook when I got the email

@methlabrador Yeah I was shaken too, but glad that it’s cleared up