***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@madbean @CalDreamin The sages of SC: do you know if there are still possibilities for dean scholarships as part of regular admission, or has that ship sailed if you didn’t get as part of this notification? Thanks for providing cogent answers to the masses out here.

Does anyone know if anyone in alabama got it?

@gijjit Yes, while limited, there are some Dean’s scholarships in March. I believe they see where they are at the time in terms of money - based on scholarships given/accepted this round to determine how many they can give out. @madbean may know more specifically how many, I seem to remember a year with what seemed like a good amount and a year with just a few…but that is also dependent on how many post it here.

@CADREAMIN Thank you! @madbean If you are privy to more, much appreciated.

Does the portal update at 1 am EST and 10 pm PT, or 4 am EST and 1 am PT?

D received her package, yay! She is National Merit and invite is for Presidential – forgive me but I am so confused…Presidential is for 1/2 tuition, but as a NMF she’ll already get 1/2 tuition, no? If they don’t stack, does she need to do the overnight/interview? She can’t get any more than she already get as NMF, right? So excited!

If I am a candidate for Presidential Scholarship can I still get other scholarships come April? Such as the Dean’s and Leadership?

Admitted from San Diego and created one of these accounts just to say so… Very exciting of course but there was no mention of merit scholarship? I would assume that even if I didn’t receive any money it would tell me I didn’t. Anyone else? What should I do/where would I find this information? What does the merit sheet look like?

Does anyone know approximately how many white boxes are mailed out by USC?

accepted and a pres. scholarship finalist!! yay :slight_smile:

“Does the portal update at 1 am EST and 10 pm PT, or 4 am EST and 1 am PT?”

If you do not receive the package, will anything appear in your student portal? Or will it continue to say “You do not have any messages at this time”?

Has anyone in Washington State received acceptance?

@ajstudent172 I’ve been wondering the same thing. I haven’t heard of anyone, but that’s not necessarily saying much. Good luck!!

OMG my DD got the box but she’s asleep and I’m at work so I have to wait for her to wake up. She’s killing me here!!!

nothing here. san diego

@ajstudent172 Lol same, I checked the mail and got regular ads and no package. I’m wondering how many people from Seattle got in.

What time do the portals update?

Question: If I also sent FAFSA/CSS to USC (after I sent in my application by the merit-scholarship consideration deadline), will I still be considered for merit scholarships? I’m hearing that Fin. Aid and Merit don’t compound, so I’m wondering if I’ll even receive offers for both…

No package. San Diego. However, since I’ve seen that one person has gotten a package here from SD, I probably didn’t get in :(! Congrats to those whose did! @MSHopeful That’s going to be one heck of a surprise!

Does anyone know roughly what percentage of scholarship finalists actually get the scholarships - e.g. Trustees, Presidential?