UVA EA 2026 thread

Plus lots want to go out of state… my D only applied to California Universities. Good luck all!


With TO, I don’t think scores hurt unless they are bad – and since they are not bad, I think you did the right thing by submitting them.

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How did you find that out?

EA stats for 2022 are out

It is mentioned in the Deanj’s blog post from today.

" The first round of invitations into Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars, will be posted in the portal next week. I will post an update when that happens. A second round will be posted after the Regular Decision process is completed. Echols and Rodman also allow self-nomination after your first semester. Miller Arts Scholars only apply after the first semester."

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Dean J came and commented a link to her blog for the stats of this years acceptances.

Ugh. That makes me want to vomit. :face_vomiting: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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DD has a friend who is a freshman at UVA in Echols. Contrary to what I read, he said he 1000% does get first chance registration for classes. I had heard that it didn’t work that way. I had heard that Echols got 1st registration IN THEIR GRADE but DD’s friend said that was absolutely not true. GEEEEE that’s a very nice perk + the dorm! :+1:

The best perk IMO is no general-ed requirements. You basically define your own major.

any ideas when decisions are dropping?

could be 5 but I think ed was 6 est

does anyone know if the mail comes on the day of the decisions or does it get delayed (if you get accepted)?

it’s delayed, usually by a week or two

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Yes, but if you’re considering med school, I’ve heard they frown upon skipping the gen-eds. Have you heard that, too?
Another thing I was told (by Vandy, Duke & UVA) regarding AP classes is this: in ADMISSIONS, the fact that you took them and did well is very important IF they were offered. But the AP EXAM SCORE is not considered in Admissions AT ALL. The only time that EXAM score comes into play is if you want to use it to opt out of a class/requirement. AND (here’s the kicker!) that although the UG institution may accept them to opt out, a lot of med schools frown on it. So, in the end, if you’re considering med school, the AP class is good education but should be used very craftily if you use the credit to opt out (like it may fly for an optional class but don’t take it for a core credit) and be very, very sure about the guidelines for the med schools before doing so.
This was ALL new to us. Do you know anything about it? (can you validate that it is absolutely true and not a bad rumor?) DD took 17 AP classes…

Regarding APs and med school - this is my 22s understanding as well. They already started a spreadsheet with med school requirements vs APs vs degree requirements.

I got the invitation too, letters and even a nice dinner (which I didn’t go). And to your point, they made it a full ride easily reachable. I didn’t apply in the end.

Apologies, what does “DD” mean?

Abbrievated form of Dear Daughter. DS is Dear Son. DS22/DD22 is DS/DD applying in 2022.

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Thank you

All this time I thought it stood for: Dependent Son or Dependent Daughter. Me and my military background!! LOL!