UVA EA 2026 thread

Can someone share the email they received with instructions on how to set up SIS account? I can’t find it anywhere.


Yes, that’s where we are looking. Crazy, isn’t it, how we are trying to look for any hint or clue? :grin: Patience is hard to find, sometimes.


Where do you see if the withdraw button disappeared? Where was it located before?

I can’t share the email but here’s a link: SIS Help - UVA ITS

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I think it was a link at the bottom of the page written in orange.

Of the finance page?

no. on the application status portal

It really is crazy! I guess it passes the time!

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What is the link to that?

I didn’t apply for aid and this is what I’m seeing

click on the finance center then the accept/decline awards link

I was able to click the link and it says “There is no financial aid information found”

Can someone summarize what we think this all means (like what on your financial aid portal potentially could mean you’re admitted/rejected) because I’m really confused lol

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You should have received an email from the admissions dept detailing how to access your application portal. Search your email and you’ll probably find it.

And another question: For people who sent official scores, are you able to see them in the “Test Scores” section under the “Academics” tab of the SIS portal?

Yes. I can see all of my test scores.

I can see them

i don’t think it means anything because it says “Date Loaded: 10/18/21” for all of them, just wanted to make sure

In past CC threads about UVA, applicants have said that seeing anything like “inquiry access denied” under financial aid in SIS indicated acceptance or having a great chance.

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