UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Does grad school count as a legacy?

Yes. I went to grad school there and we got the letter for my son. Your student has to put your info down on the application for them to know though.

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Yes, it’s any degree-holder from the University, undergrad or graduate.


Mail or email

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Came in the mail today. Addressed to the parents of. I’m in NC.

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Hmm we didn’t receive anything


I got one today as well. UVA is a hard reach for my kid, so I’m not expecting him to get in, but my assumption is they just sent this to all legacy applicants.

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Probably still in the mail somewhere


We got legacy applicant letter as well! Very informative.

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Received letter today:)

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Haven’t received notification on when ED decision would come out yet. I’m too nervous these days. According to past 3 years, the result should come out tommorow right?

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I’ve heard they haven’t gotten through as much as they need to this year as quickly, in part due to the recent tragedy. Follow Dean J on Twitter. They will announce release date.

Yeah, but I believe they are delayed. I still hope they come out soon because I’m getting kinda worked up from waiting for the ED decision.

Hello, hello! Just wanted to chime in on the letter to parents who are UVA grads conversation. We send this letter every year, just to give parents who are alumni some general information since the admission process has changed a lot over the years. The letters are not tied to decisions…it’s a bit too soon for any Early Action decisions to be ready! :slight_smile:

The timeline for Early Decision is so tight that we can’t get the letters out for that group.


Should I be concerned that I Did not receive a letter as an alumnus?


Are you sure your student included your college info? But it sounds like it doesn’t matter in any case.


Yes she did

Hello, have we had notification date for Early Decision available yet? thanks

Did you watch video on IG? It was very informative and transparent. Highly encourage it. Will answer a lot of your questions. UVA is awesome - they are so transparent and take time out of their busy schedules to answer questions from anxious students. They care very much about the applicants.


Continuing the discussion from UVA EA / ED Fall 2023:

Is the IG link on the general UVA page or something else?