UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

We are in the same boat. High stats NMSF OOS legacy being deferred. We really had high hopes for this one. This really hurts the relationship with the University.


My D23 had that she was being considered as a non-resident on her portal and we immediately wrote. They corrected it within days. They mentioned that she had not put in her driver’s license. She doesn’t have one yet. Got sorted out without drama. Luckily they has moved her to RD because she was missing something in her application (may have been complete residency info - we are temporarily stationed overseas).

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I would hope not. If you have love from a past experience with UVA, I would hope that will stay forever.

There are no guarantees in admissions or any shortcuts.

Part of what makes UVA great is their selectivity.

You shouldn’t hold that against them nor should this diminish your bond.

Imho of course.


Please DM me if you like to have a private chat and delete your post please.


Has anyone seen anything about admitted students day? I thought I saw it mentioned, but we don’t see anything in email or portal.

Updated: I found where they say that they send it out in late February.

Why should he delete the post? There was nothing offensive about it. And possibly a good reminder for alumni and legacies at most selective schools that admission for future children is no guarantee. Too many high achieving kids out there, applying to more and more colleges.

And personally, as a longtime Virginia resident, I would not be disappointed if any legacy preference in admissions went away altogether. It is , after all, a public university . If that means any future grandchildren get no bump in admissions, so be it .


I definitely understand the disappointment . Admissions is rough out there these days for selective schools and it’s an emotional time dealing with possible deferrals and rejections. Best wishes to you and your child for a great college experience!


And same for OOS residents trying to get into UT! None of mine applied with an OOS acceptance rate of 8%:crazy_face:


Maybe we can return to the topic of UVA


If you think realistically about the number of high stats legacies (children and grandchildren!) that surely apply every year, there are simply not enough spots. They could have have an entire first year class of high achieving legacies for sure and still not have enough room for them all. Good luck everyone!


@everestgrp Not sèeing anything that has been posted here by anyone that would be described as offensive or lecturing you. All the best to you and your child.


If your post isn’t discussing the topic of the thread and is instead addressing another user in a way that is not contributing to the conversation, but is instead devolving into debate, there’s a very good chance your post will be flagged and hidden. Several posts deleted. Please stay on topic.


I learned a lot this PM reading this forum for the first time.

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It’s ok, it’s a school full of state kids, like all state schools. You know…

I know. These pesky Virginia kids are everywhere! :smile:

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Michigan kids, ca kids, lol. Only select east coast and west coast towns can pull it off. Even among those towns, only select kids are elite! But no worries, holistic reviews will save the day! Personally, pls don’t give me a holistic admit but the best qualified MD/DO.

Since no MD/DOs are coming out of UVA (or any undergrad), I’m missing your point. And how does it relate to the UVA ED/EA results?


Stats to help for next year:

DD deferred

4.0 uw
4.59 w
11 AP’s
Rank 4/350ish
2 varsity sports
Year around swim club (6 days week)
30 ACT submitted (not superscored but perfect reading scores)
Lots of interesting long term commitment volunteer hours (unaffiliated with school related club hours)

We (as parents) thought UVA would reject her outright due to her ACT’s being out of the typical OOS accepted range. After seeing the higher stat OOS kids get rejected her deferral to us suggests that UVA does holistically look at a student’s application. While I project she will be eventually be WL or outright rejected it gives me reassurance that there are admission departments out there looking at our kids as whole people, not just scores and gpa’s. Good job UVA!


I’ll share as well:

Deferred, in-state (Nova) for McIntire
IB diploma
Didn’t submit scores (1300)
Ample leadership, honors, and ECs

We’re ok with that and have other solid options, but still going to see if stars align for RD