UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

VT publishes more data than just about any school! VT engineering grad rate is similar to UVA’s around 85%. https://udc.vt.edu/irdata/data/students/retention_graduation/rg_chart#college

Thanks @user282. I was in that area the other day and must not have clicked on right section.

@user282 got a chance to look at this and it appears that the VT 6 year grad rate is about 86%, but the 4 year is in the 60’s and that’s what I was impressed with from UVA where it is 84%.


Thank you Ajrivers.
I didn’t get my education in this country, therefore I didn’t realize graduating in 4 years is a challenge. In my opinion, if they get the right support / tutoring there is no reason to go over 4 years. Actually, I’m sure every school offers support, however the accessibility of it is the key and this is what holds me back with UF.

Unfortunately, we cannot attend 04/01 event.
Would you please write a summary of it for the ones who cannot attend ?


I think that was an anomaly for class starting in 2016 which would have included covid years. Change the year range to go back to 2013 and the 4 and 5 year rates are higher

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Best Schools for Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering

Support is so so- sister was in engineering and ended u switching out to different major. Was rough program and not supportive. UvA just really pushes for students to graduate in 4 years and pretty much students are made fun of if they stay longer than 4 years to get their degree. So don’t see much switching of majors - lots of pressure to just graduate in 4 years.

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Hello, I just watched your Instagram from 2021 on how to read a transcript. At the end of the IB sample transcript you noted that the student took a programming class, not a science class.

My rising senior was going to take an AP programming class over an AP science class. He’s had chemistry, physics and AP bio. He’s interested in data science / business analytics as an area of study.

Is it better for him to take a science class? He was thinking computer programming was a science class.

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DD applied ED…her 1st quarter grades were great…do we upload those to the portal? I think the answer is no it’s too late for ED but just want to confirm.

Yes. Upload via the portal. Dean J makes is very clear in her info sessions that is what should be done and even a screenshot is acceptable. In our case, our school sends it automatically.

So for ED I can screenshot her 1st quarter grades and upload them?

Yes. If they have read her app it wont make a difference but I expect they will be reading for a couple more weeks, so you never know.


Our school sends them too, but via the Common App. Do you think student should also upload via admissions portal?

We didn’t. It doesn’t seem necessary. Dean J is quite vocal about sticking to the strictly necessary because they don’t have the bandwidth to deal with extras. If they do it through the Common App, I believe you can see if it was submitted and/or downloaded. Unfortunately our school does not use Common App. I can see when it was sent but not if it was accessed by the school. It seems like several schools don’t list this on their checklist - we can only verify 1 of 5, a little unnerving. If anyone is having the same experience, Id love to know in which portals you see it and where you don’t.