UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

“Days on the Lawn” sounds plural but it looks like there is only one day scheduled - does anyone know if they’ve had multiple days on the lawn in the past and maybe they will add more? Thanks

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There are multiple DOTLs. Information is coming by email and registration will be in portals.


Thanks so much!

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Thanks @Dean_J
My student was accepted into engineering, yay! He registered to attend the DOTL for engineering students that coincides with the engineering open house. But looking at the schedule for admitted students to CAS, the engineering day seems very limited by comparison. Will additional events be added to the 4/1 experience? Would love a parent portion, activity fair, housing tour, etc like those offered on 4/22?!




The Engineering Open House has way more to see than a normal DOTL. It’s one of my favorite days of the entire year. It’s amazing.

I don’t know what Housing has planned, but I think the most efficient way to see all the buildings is via the videos on the UVA Housing Youtube channel.

Tours: First-Year On-Grounds Housing Tours - YouTube

Advice from current students: UVA Housing Videos for First-Years - YouTube


Congratulations. Unfortunately S23 was deferred. Based on historical numbers, a denial looks imminent. However all is not lost. He does have a direct admit to the CS program, with merit to the school “across the Potomac” :turtle:. They’ll take our tuition $! :wink: Best of luck.

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Anyone else get a letter from President Ryan, first school to give me a letter from the President.


All of the admitted EA students got them. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the links of Housing. They are really helpful.


Does anyone know what the green dot next to a school in Slate means?

great question

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Is your school using Slate? Hundreds of schools use it, but the instances aren’t connected. It’s most likely something internal to your school.

No, not that I know of! But I can see all the school’s my daughter has applied to on Slate. UVA is the only one with a green dot so wasn’t sure what that meant! if anything! :slight_smile:

You could ask Technolutions, but the security is so high in their products that you’d never see anything related to the internal processes at a school via an external account.


Just adding that I got accepted EA and I don’t have that green dot (the sidebar is green for everything). Take this with a grain of salt, but I wouldn’t read into it heavily.

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Thanks. She was waitlisted. Along with everyone else she knows!

Hi everybody - extremely useful thread.

My son was accepted to UVA, engineering program (aerospace), as well as UIUC, VT, Maryland, UF, Ohio State, Univ of Colorado Boulder, NC State. We are OOS.
Deferred to Michigan and Georgia Tech.
Rejected to Texas, Notre Dame and Purdue.

UVA gave him a huge scholarship so at this moment is the cheapest of all choices he has. After a holistic evaluation :slightly_smiling_face: , his list narrowed down to two schools - UVA and UF, although he is still waiting for GT decision.

Can anybody give me a bit more insights about the engineering program at UVA ?

  • is he admitted directly to the major or first year is general engineering ?
  • are there study abroad programs for engineering ?
  • how is the support for additional help if they need any ? I am asking because general opinion at UF is that is challenging to get additional support due to the size of the school and kids not being pro-active (apparently they need to book appointments months in advance)
  • what are the internship opportunities for engineering program ?
  • how strong are the industry connections for aerospace ?

He (We) are really honored for this acceptance - UVA was on his reach list and obviously we didn’t concentrate much on it. Although he has schools with better engineering programs, it took a while to come to the conclusion that the price and UVA reputation are unbeatable.


@Buflea My son was admitted and we will be attending the 4/1 Engineering admitted students day, so don’t have answers for you other than you are admitted into the School of Engineering and do not pick a major until end of 1st year. My assumption is that their support is very good as they are a smaller group and they have an 84% 4-year grad rate for engineering which is pretty impressive.

I believe you can find out some other things like study abroad on the engineering website as I remember seeing.

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@Buflea https://engineering.virginia.edu/semester-abroad-programs

@Buflea was just rereading and was going to also share a few things that son and I have discussed…he also got into other great engineering schools (GT, Northeastern, PSU as examples), but we are in Virginia so that makes UVA even more appealing.

With that said, if he were to decide to change directions there is no doubt that he’d get a great education outside of engineering with UVA and even though it is not as big of a department or as highly ranked (still T50 though!), I believe people still understand it is UVA and no one would pick another candidate just because of the school…it will be based on the person and their accomplishments and presence. I personally believe he will get a better all around education outside of the STEM subjects at UVA and for my son who is very social and extroverted I think that will be a great fit. Also, like many kids in engineering, he has not been challenged yet in HS and think it will be quite shocking when he finally does. The smaller school and higher grad rate gives me comfort that he will be supported through that transition and not lost on the masses. I tried to find the 4 year grad rate for VT specific to engineering and couldn’t which I found interesting. Heck! I didn’t even graduate in 4 years in IE from University of Arizona so that really impressed me I guess.

Sorry, lots of rambling, but just things that are going through my head.