Hi Guys,
I’m a first year CC student in washington state. I just wanted to ask how competitive is UW ChemE program? I checked the UW website the average GPA of CC students that got admitted, it was 3.7. I think this is the highest average GPA of transfer students admitted in all engineering programs after computer engineering.
Secondly, do I have to take all of the pre-req courses such as Organic Chem 1 and 2 before transferring to increase my chance? If I have to do that, then I will be taking 3 all math/sciences courses for next spring quarter. That’s gonna be a gpa killer. My current GPA is 3.77. I already finished two quarters in CC. Would it be okay to miss like one or two math/science pre-req, so I can focus on perfecting my GPA? What do you guys think?
By the way, I’m an international student if that helps. Thank you.