UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

How does that even relate to the connections program?

I honestly have no idea, that’s literally what the lady told me. You guys should try calling admissions about the issue and see what they say because my friend got a different answer and that they were going to address the issue this Friday.

Have any of y’all received any notification about the waitlist? Apparently, some higher admissions person told my friend the glitch was a republished offer for admission to the school and not a republished offer for the waitlist. Whether or not the real admissions offer will be coming is uncertain. Or when it will.

Here was the email they sent to me a while ago:

Thank you for contacting the University of Wisconsin–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment. It appears that was a glitch in the system reverting back to accepting your spot on the wait list, which you have already done. At this time you have a Connections agreement, which you could cancel should you be offered a spot off the wait list. To finalize the Connections agreement, please have your final official high school transcript sent to our office when it is available. If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us again. We are always happy to help.

No notification about waitlist.

did you receive the admissions glitch?


ah are you from the Dane County area?

I believe decisions are available now - I didn’t get an email or notification or anything but if you check your application status on your MyUW it should be changed (mine was at least). Unfortunately I was not admitted but good luck to you all!

I got that too but considering there was an admissions glitch not too long ago and no email from admissions, I think we just need to wait and see. I’ll give them a call tomorrow.

nevermind i just got the email confirming it, everyone good luck in your future endeavors.

Best wishes to you also, emilyy21. Have a wonderful summer before the start of your great adventures in the fall.