UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

I don’t see that in my account. Is it still like that?

Yeah it sometimes shows up though, I would need to keep refreshing it. I already emailed admissions about it and I’m probably going to hear this Monday at the earliest. I’ll keep you updated.

Okay. I refreshed the screen and see the same screen you posted.

I really hope it’s not a glitch some of my other friends on the waitlist said they didn’t get it but I’ll ask them again.

Hi there, I was just checking my application status and it gave me the option to submit my deposit similar as the picture above. think this means I got admitted from waitlist. I tried pulling it up on my computer and it does not show up. I also tried clicking accept on my phone and it was not working. Does this mean I got in still? I am praying this is not a glitch.


I got the same deposit/accept option too.

uwbadger2 and user, would you guys mind to let me know what part of Wisconsin you are from?

Close to the university.

20 mins from the university.

Ok makes sense, I’m in Madison area too and they are probably admitting people in Dane County because most likely people far from the capital are gonna require housing.

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Yea, you think that this could be an indicator we getting admitted?

Yeah I mean there’s no way admissions made a mistake to that many people, it could probably become a serious issue for admissions offer in terms of legality if isn’t authentic.

I also live very close to the university. I think they may be accepting people nearby Madison due to its lack of housing availability this year. I sent an email to admissions as well. So I think we will know if we got in or not by tomorrow

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There seems to be a lot of speculation on this thread. I’m confused why someone wouldn’t just go to the NOTIFICATION tab and click on it to see if you were accepted. If you did that and it says nothing then you weren’t accepted. Kindof simple.

We’re not trying to say admission is done and dusted, it’s more of an implication based on the image shown above. They will eventually show that notification and decided not to right away due to an error or something. We’ll know for sure what’s going on as soon as the email comes back.

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I mean why wouldn’t there be speculation when something like that shows up. Its completely fair for us to be curious. Some colleges don’t send out their acceptance letters right away so they might not show up in notifications tab. Saying its simple is pretty inaccurate as the process of waitlists takes months and it leaves many students unsure what they are doing for the fall.


I just got off the phone with admissions, and they said it was a technical issue related to students in the connections program. The operator said she would let the tech team know about the issue as that wasn’t supposed to happen. So at this point, we gotta keep waiting and hope they start taking more students of the list soon.

what is a connections program?

Basically, all the Wisconsin residents that are on the waitlist are offered the connections program, which basically means you go to another UW partner campus for two years (although you can still do one year) and then be guaranteed transfer to Madison if you maintain at least a 2.0 GPA at the partner campus.

did you receive the same message?