UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

has someone tried calling AO?

Maybe the results are going to come out after May 15th, I saw on the 2024 thread that their first wave of acceptance from waitlist came out on 15th.

Wait but didn’t someone in the thread say that the class of 2024 admissions started admitting students on May 8th? Also, I’m guessing nobody has heard back from Madison yet?

Some people from 2024 got in before May 1 if you go back and look through the thread

Could you send me a link to the thread? I can’t seem to find it. Does it mention the number of waitlist applicants for the year?

No idea how many people were waitlisted that year sorry

Yeah so it does seem that before the May 1st deadline that there was a wave at May 15th last year. Apparently I’m able to choose classes in the portal, is everyone else able to do this?

Has anyone called the Admissions Office?

I mailed


Keep us posted!

Thank you for contacting the University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment.

The wait list is unranked, and students who accept a spot on the wait list will receive a final admissions decision sometime after May 1, and no later than the end of July. All students on the wait list will be notified when the wait list has closed.

The number of students admitted from the wait list varies from year to year; over the last five years, we have offered admission to approximately 30% of students on our wait list. Wait list admits are offered on-campus housing and are eligible for need based financial aid, although some funds from campus-based scholarships may be limited.

Should you not be admitted, you may still apply as a transfer student in the future. You can find more information about transferring to UW-Madison here. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us again.


the same old message :confused:

Dang I was hoping they would at least tell us if they’re going to let anyone off. It’s kind of annoying to plan for next year if we’re still waiting to hear from a waitlist that they might not even take anyone off of.

I think they still are. The admissions probably need some more time reviewing everyone’s application before making a selection process. There are larger waitlists this year because students apply to more universities and can commit to only one. So naturally, there are going to be more spots available. I know off the top of my head multiple people I know (in-state) who have received admission and decided to go elsewhere. I would give it time since we are only ten days in so far, and the admissions will notify us when the waitlist will close.


Let’s be hopeful, around 2-3 of my friends within my school told me they already cancelled their admission at UWM and I believe there should be more people declined their UWM offer this year.

They were accepted in regular decision or EA but not waitlist

Has anyone heard that Wisconsin is overenrolled or had an unexpectedly high yield? Surprised there has been no movement on the waitlist!

Have heard it is rather high as took a hotel the university owns and you can book by the night and now using it as student housing in the Fall. UW frequently has housing issues 
 taking lounges in dorms and making them temporary rooms, yet first time this hotel has been tapped in long time for freshman from what have heard.

Don’t know if rumor true yet take the record applications combined with 2020 kids who deferred last year yet are now enrolling, logic alone says has to be a tough waitlist year.

Thanks! Good to know.

They wouldn’t over enroll students, though surely, right? Yes, there have been record applications, but I don’t think the capacity changes much. As I mentioned earlier, many people aren’t even accepting their admissions which means more spots, but since there are more spots, there are also going to be a longer waitlist. They said in the waitlist letter that over the past 5 years, there have been around a 30% admissions rate on average, meaning that some years were above 30 (which I would assume would be last year due to the pandemic and maybe some other year), and some years were below. The admissions team has to deal with larger waitlists, so they need more time to review everyone’s application before making a final decision. There was a wave last year around May 15th, so my guess that since more people are applying this year than last year, it might take until the end of May before they start admitting their first wave of students.