UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

Does the UW even guarantee housing for all freshmen? I would think that the students accepted this summer will be on their own housing-wise.

I realize everyone is tense so that means wants an answer that going to accept 30 percent like previous years ā€¦

If people ask questions and truly want to hear what people have heard, it may not be the answer everyone wants.

Letā€™s be real ā€¦ NO one on this thread can know anything for sure - it is all speculation unless there is an anonymous UW admissions counselor on the thread.

It is a fact that MN has done something with their waitlist that isnā€™t their common pattern for their school so it wouldnā€™t be shocking other schools arenā€™t following the same patterns either - like Madisonā€™s 30 percent number.

Maybe they will maybe they wonā€™t ā€¦

Also, while record applications, it was also test optional. So while UW was holistic, certainly a poor test taker with a low ACT or SAT wasnā€™t helped there ā€¦ this year there may be kids who got in as test optional now and will jump at the chance to accept admission.

There are just too many factors at play where you could debate which way things fall yet it is all conjuncture.

When on waitlists, would have backup plans and certainly hope and cross fingers for the best.

Wouldnā€™t let anyoneā€™s post on here be etched in stone as again, no one truly knows.

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For sure youā€™re absolutely right that nothing is guaranteed. The 30% average admissions of the waitlist is the only thing I know that is for certain because it was explicitly mentioned in the decision letter. For Minnesota they already informed their waitlisted students that they wonā€™t be using the waitlist back in April I believe? If Madison was going to follow a similar path Iā€™m sure they would have let us know about that by now. They also sent an email to all waitlisted students to write an essay on why UW - Madison fits their college goals as well as for any updates grades or honors a student may be in (of course all of this was completely optional). But we do know for sure that they mentioned that they will inform us when the waitlist will close and the latest we can hear about that would be the end of July. I have my fingers crossed to be admitted if that may be, but I have put in a deposit in another institution just in case. Iā€™m also a part of their connections program mentioned in their letter if I do not get admitted and that I can transfer later. But honestly guys keep your hopes up and hope for the best, Iā€™m sure you guys are all academically talented and whatever happens your paths will coincide with your goals.

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No expectations here. Given what other big state schools are reporting, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Wisconsin is having a high yield year (more people accepting offers than anticipated). Wisconsin might have been a ā€œreachā€ school for a lot of people applying TO, so if accepted they are more inclined to attend. This can cause a class to be overenrolled. I have heard it is happening at VT, UVA, Michigan, Minnesota, Notre Dame, GTā€¦

I can say if they asked kids to jump through hoops and write more essays, etc, know they are overenrolled and say nothing to students on the waitlist that pretty much seals that they are the worse admissions department ever because if they know they have too many kids they should just simply tell the ones on the waitlist no.

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Well they said they will notify us when the waitlist will close. So far that hasnā€™t happened yet so letā€™s assume for now they are reviewing applications.

I agree with you, they might just need more time to consider who could be accepted due to the large number of people on the waitlist. Or maybe this is just me being hopeful, but I believe they are going to going to at least accept some of us from the waitlist since Iā€™ve seen many of my friends declining their acceptance from Madison.

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I canā€™t open my wisc portal, is this mean something?

what does it show?

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I just canā€™t open, loading forever and shows blank screen

I tried 40m ago and still canā€™t open now

yeah same here

shows as a system error

It had the error but now itā€™s working for me again

right before another school i was waitlisted at released their waitlist decisions their portal closed too so i think there could be decisions or some sort of update released tm but idrk

I mean if it happened to everyone, I feel like itā€™s more likely that there was just maintenance on the website, but thereā€™s no way to know

I think it was just maintenance. Some of my friends that received admission got the same thing. Hopefully, a first wave starts to get released soon.

Hi guys!!! Any updates on the WL??!!

People on other threads have said they know of people in a local high school (where a lot apply and get in) who have heard. Not sure where they are located (IS or OOS)

Do you know when those people got in?