Hi all, I applied RD and received a decision that I was deferred. Said they will email for spring grades. Is there anything I can do now to boost my chances?

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@yutopiu4313 Hi, sorry to hear that you were deferred but it is better than a rejection! One thing I think you can do is email them and if UWM is your first choice, say that if accepted, you WILL attend. Iā€™m not sure if that would work but it is a suggestion. I feel like they would rather accept someone that will 100% attend their college.

@floflo13 The option to PM isnā€™t showing up for me but I would possibly be interested if you can PM me first Iā€™d love to chat

@SantaClara1111 I canā€™t find the option to PM either. Do you have a snap or insta I can reach you at?

'Tis the question. Seriously, if anybody has any clue on this I would reeaaallly appreciate it!!

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If any guys are looking to share an apartment next year let me know. Iā€™m a more social person so I would prefer a bigger apartment: 3BD minimum. ig: daniel_lovelock

guys according to UW-Madison Office of Admission and Recruitment official instagram, Fall 2020 Regular Transfer decision was out one day ago!!!

Anyone else worried about how covid will affect the fall semester? With how things are going, I honestly donā€™t know if they will have the fall semester in person or online. So, do you guys all plan on attending either way? Or I was thinking I would take the semester off or continue at my community college for another semester if in-person classes are canceled for fall.

I got accepted, but I have one class right now that I might get a D or F on, would they revoke my admission because of that?

Hey guys! Is there a Facebook group for admitted transfer or anyway for people to try and choose a roommate? The one FB group they included is just a transfer program page. Housing is due on Friday and Iā€™m confused whether or not everyone just does random.

@coco4848 yeah, I was wondering the same thingā€¦ I went to Iowa state during my first semester of college and they had a Facebook page for my graduating class where you could post about yourself and try to find a roommate there. So I tried to join the UW-Madison class of 2022 and I havenā€™t been accepted yet. So I mean if you wanted to get into housing, I know they recommend the transfer house in Tripp, and the majority are singles anyway so you wouldnā€™t need a roommate anyways otherwise I think you can try UW-Madison room surf to find other people who are looking for roommates.

Thanks for the help. Also, do any of you still not have decisions from other colleges? I guess I have to pay for the housing contract May first but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m even going to UW yet.

@coco4848 I am only waiting on one more decision and itā€™s from USC but I heard that transfer applicants usually donā€™t get a decision until the end of May or mid-June. So UW is probably my second choice behind USC so I think Iā€™m just gonna do the housing on May 1st and cancel it if I decide not to attend or choose to get an Apartmentā€¦ kinda weird how they would extend the date to accept your admission but not the housing contract too.

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Read the UW Res Halls contract carefully before signing. You do get your deposit back if you inform them in writing because you will not be attending UW. However, if you do choose to go to UW but want to change to an apartment you may still have a legal, binding contract to pay Res Halls. Res Halls typically fills every year so they have allowed students to get out of their housing contract in the past but this is not guaranteed.

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@wis75 yeah I emailed them about that and they said that if I canceled, it is legally binding so I would still have to pay for the dorm. I would rather wait and get an apartment instead because the transfer house isnā€™t guaranteed when you file for housing.

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@yutopiu4313 - Did they email you for your Spring grades or did ā€œcurrent gradeā€ request just appear in your UW student portal in the student center? My son applied RD and in his student portal it shows ā€œ1 application in processā€, when he opens that it shows his application stats etc, then under that it ask for current class information and at bottom is says submit final grades. He never received an email though. We are not sure if that is just always there or if he needs to complete it since he never received an email about it.

@badgerforlife My daughter submitted her final grades on 5/13, she didnā€™t wait for an email but others told us their email said to report by 5/29 (today). She was accepted last Friday, good luck to your son!

Do you think there is a better chance for out of state student transfers to be accepted? I saw that the transfer acceptance rate is around 54% and am trying to figure out my chances of acceptance if I were to apply in the spring.