UW Waitlist Class of 2023

Like I said I just think they don’t have any room this year

Just got an email that they are still looking through waitlist applications! Always hope!

Yeah, I honestly think they’re just taking their time to give everyone the best shot since it was a competitive year.

No, they are finding out who will not make use of their acceptance and free up a spot. That “best shot” idea- huh? They did their deciding months ago.

Considering no one in the thread has gotten off the waitlist yet I don’t think they have let many people in

Just got an email that I’ve been granted a spot on the selective summer waitlist

@jpg721, what does the selective summer list means? Any idea? Got the same email.

@AAA124555 I believe it means that we’ve made it to the next round and admissions are waiting for people to back out of their enrollment or something of the sort. Once that happens, people on the selective summer list can fill those spots.

Hey guys, decisions are out. Just got declined for engineering. Oh well good luck to you guys!

Got the summer wait list email too. Did you guys respond to it? If so, how?

Does anyone have any info on the “selective summer list” thing? I got the same email. Like how many people could be on it and when we’re going to hear from them? I know there’s still a chance but I wonder how big or small?

Rejected from the waitlist on 5/30.
This was my number one choice :frowning:
Not too concerned but was wondering how many spots are currently filled?

I am also on the Summer Selective Waitlist, has anyone heard anything recently?

nothing for me :confused:

Here either :frowning:

UW should communicate much better. Not fair to leave people hanging so long.

For real! They just keep delaying a decision for me. Applied early action in October, and I’m still waiting for them to say yes or no.

I have a feeling they are just holding us and going to let very few people through at the end if any

I wish they would have told us months ago

You are on the waitlist. This means you were NOT accepted but if people decline their spot there is a very small chance you could get in. Embrace the school that accepted you. Stop obsessing about UW. It does not matter when you applied- the decision was made. Presume you are rejected and get on with your life.

It is very fair, barrons. What more can/should UW do? There is no news if there is no change in admitted students’ plans. The alternative is to say no regardless of any admitted students giving up their UW spot.