Very confused

<p>So I got a call from my congressman, a nice big envelope, and a great letter all to tell me I got an appointment, so I send all my stuff in including ym birth certificate and all the goodies they ask for. Well...3 weeks later (today) I get a small letter in mail with my birth certificate that says thanks but, I only need to send my birth certificate if I receive an appointment. I'm a bit dumbfounded and really feeling cruddy. I left a message on my BGO's answering machine already. Any advice? I figured my applications process had gone a little to smooth to be true.</p>

<p>I’d not sweat that one bit. You’re in. They’ve just not gotten the word in the birth certificate office yet. Enjoy and be thankful. And congratulations! </p>

<p>And welcome to the ways of the the USNA …and be forgiving. The wheels of the USNA gods can grind exceedingly slowly @ times … :confused:</p>

<p>Another possibility… Congressmen (and Senators) typically give out their ‘nominations’ at this time of year … kicking off the Academy’s consideration of whether to offer an ‘appointment’. (the fact that a Congressman/Senator’s decision-making role is limited to the nomination phase is sometimes lost in the fact that Congressmen/Senators like to be the one to announce both actions - their decision to nominate and the Academy’s subsequent decision to Appoint…) Does your most recent notification from the Congressman say “Nomination” or “Appointment”?</p>

<p>Didn’t you say you got THE envelope? :confused:</p>

<p>I got an enormous blue folder with a picture of a sailboat chilling in the Severn and a big fancy readout…</p>

<p>"The superintendent of the Naval Academy takes great pleasure…for the selection of [me] for an offer of appointment to the United States Naval Academy Class of 2013 </p>

<p>[Signature] Vice Admiral, USN"</p>

<p>Plus a thin letter that says, “I am pleased to offer you an appointment to the Untied States Naval Academy as a member of the class of 2013.”</p>

<p>Plus the accept/decline form.</p>

<p>Plus I talked to my congressman on the phone and he told me I got an appointment to USNA and USAFA. I’m honestly not trying to pull anyone’s leg.</p>

<p>Typically the items that need to be submitted are not done so with your acceptance letter. That is returned first and then they will instruct on the rest of the documents that are to be submitted - that usually occurs in the spring. I would imagine that admissions is not ready for the items that you sent and therefore sent them back to you for you to wait on their instructions.</p>

<p>In the acceptance packet told me to submit my birth certificate along with my yes/no decision, that’s why I’m a bit confused.</p>

<p>Well, you can be sure of your appointment. Again, sounds like the left hand just hasn’t been informed by the right palm of your appointment. If you’ve the packet, barring unforeseen problems, you’re in I’d say. Again … Congrats. Pretty cool! :cool:</p>

<p>My daughter’s appointment letter rec’d in October also included info reqts such as birth certificate & dental xrays etc.

<p>Thanks whistle, hopefully that’s what it is, I think I’ll call admissions tomorrow just to double check.</p>

<p>Ya swedevb, my 360 degree dental thing they requested revealed 5 wisdom teeth ><</p>

<p>"I got an enormous blue folder with a picture of a sailboat chilling in the Severn and a big fancy readout…</p>

<p>"The superintendent of the Naval Academy takes great pleasure…for the selection of [me] for an offer of appointment to the United States Naval Academy Class of 2013 </p>

<p>[Signature] Vice Admiral, USN"</p>

<p>Plus a thin letter that says, “I am pleased to offer you an appointment to the Untied States Naval Academy as a member of the class of 2013.”</p>

<p>Plus the accept/decline form.</p>

<p>Plus I talked to my congressman on the phone and he told me I got an appointment to USNA and USAFA. I’m honestly not trying to pull anyone’s leg."</p>

<p>So what’s the question? Follow the instructions.</p>

<p>Chairfarcewings, my question was in my first post in this thread - but luckily that doesn’t matter now!</p>

<p>I called admissions today and apparently there was a clerical error and they sent me the wrong birth certificate confirmation letter. All is good and thanks for the help. Let’s hope nothing else comes up until the spring packet.</p>

<p>Well, you certainly sound like a very respectful young man, looks like the Navy got another great one.</p>

<p>Well said.</p>

<p>I concur. Well said indeed.</p>