Villanova Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

S got accepted in Computer Engineering.

Nothing on merit or aid so have to wait on that before he can make his decision.


S accepted for business. 1500 & 3.96 UW. Strong EC’s.

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Son was placed on wait list at Villanova. Same thing happened at American University. Deferred ED at Boston College.

34 ACT
GPA: 3.7 UW, 4.1 W (9 AP classes, submitted 4 results from prior years: three 5s, one 4)
3 sport Varsity athlete, 2 sport Varsity captain, 3 State Championship appearances
Other ECs, volunteer work, job

Really unsure what to think. It’s hard not to compare him with his peers who have gotten better results despite lower GPAs and test scores, as well as less impressive leadership/ECs. When I applied 30 years ago, things seemed much easier!


Waitlisted (deferred from EA). Similar stats to those posted. Seems like a total crap shoot!
She has already moved on even before these results but I’m still shocked.
We will definitely be declining the waitlist spot - hopefully it will help someone out.


Accepted (after deferred from EA) from New England public school 1450 SAT, 4.78 GPA with lots of leadership and EC.

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33 ACT (Superscore)
Lots of volunteer hours
3.97 UW

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Waitlisted. 4.56 gpa. 33 act. Eagle Scout. Tons of leadership and volunteer hours. Frustrating. Deferred from ED. Now this.

Waitlisted at NOVA and deferred ED from
Boston college too. Welcome😂

5.1 gpa weighted
1540 SAT

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35 ACT
3.7 GPA (Specialized HS)
Mixed Race
X-Country team, cultural club

Deferred EA to RD now offered waitlist. We will decline…can’t wait that long (August)
Congrats to those accepted!

Accepted for nursing
OOS (Bay Area competitive public hs)
1500 SAT, male, 8 APs 2 honors, CNA, 4.3W

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Posting this to help me and other frustrated parents :wink:

Son applied EA and was deferred now waitlisted. 35 ACT, 4.5 GPA, 10 APs, tons of ECs including coronavirus research with professor at Davidson college, school required 40 service hours per year, and I am an alumni (although I’ve heard it only helps for ED).

In the end he’ll be fine (he got into UNC and we are in state), but this is ridiculous. What else are kids supposed to do?

Congrats to those who got in. It’s a great school.


Sending positive vibes to everyone here, regardless of outcome. D applied RD and was admitted; also applied to Honors; the portal made not mention of Honors positive or negative; did any other RD accept hear about Honors outcome or does anyone know when those will be released for RD candidates?


We share your frustration. My daughter actually doesn’t even care because she is excited about another option but it bothers me that this is happening! She clearly had the stats (similar to your son) and her why Nova essay was very heartfelt because we all fell in love with the school at first sight. I’m not sure what they are looking for. All of our kids will land at a great school and I guess it just wasn’t meant to be but I am bothered by what this means for kids in coming years. It really blows my mind.


There are way more well qualified students who apply than they have room for.


True - but doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt!


You really hit the nail on the head…what else are these kids supposed to do? The colleges really should be more transparent because the common data set seems to be a lot of bs…

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My 2 cents. As others have noted, there are tens of thousands of qualified kids applying to the same schools.

Some schools have different “wants” based on my experience. For example, a school like Williams is very heavy on recruited athletes. In my top public HS outside of NYC, Williams has taken students with lower “academic” credentials because they play a sport over the Valedictorian. It is part of the Williams process. Unfair? Maybe but it is what it is.

As for Nova, in the past, the school has published ED stats that show a ~60% acceptance rate that accounted for 36% of a typical freshman class. Clearly they value ED. In addition, they used to publish state data with a heavy emphasis on PA and NJ.

I have strong feelings on ED (neither of my kids applied ED) but if that is a key for school, it tilts the playing field a bit. Again, it might not be fair but it is what it is.

That said, I am confident that kids are resilient (more than the parents) and will find the right fit. My college class of 2024 (non athlete) was accepted into 4 Nescacs, including all 3 in Maine. At the last minute she flipped from one in Maine to the 4th Nescac and is insanely happy. With the proper support, kids find a way to make it work.

I should mention, my DS22 was waitlisted at Nova.

4.0 UWGPA (straight As), 1570 SAT (one sitting), APs/Honors etc. Accomplished musician, not the school band/orchestra type, but toured the country type at 15 and plays 4 instruments, fluent in Spanish etc.

On paper, he should have been admitted. However, 3 boys in his class were admitted ED, 2 athletes and one legacy. We knew he would get waitlisted.

Keep your head held high! It is an imperfect process but I have confidence kids end up where they will succeed.


Has anyone received merit offers from Villanova yet? Asking for a friend who’s son was admitted, but not offered any merit. He’s not sure if it’s still to come, or if no mention indicates that he won’t be offered any.

I haven’t…

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