Villanova Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

D accepted after deferred EA. She was very surprised. The rejections stats here (really, everywhere) are crazy! I think my takeaway this year is that tests truly were optional.

D did not submit SAT/ACT (she never took, we live in CA, attended public school) Did submit 7 passing AP scores but all 3s & 4s. She has high gpa 4.7, exceptional rigor and good ECs but we never visited NOVA or any showed interest.

Happy to get the yes, but most likely going to UVA.

Best of luck to everyone!

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Same here. The waitlisters here are so strong!

They say by 4/1. I hope to find out soon. It’s the determination between Villanova and 2nd choice.

Has anyone had any luck getting more merit or aid by contacting the financial aid office??

Villanova has had two institutional challenges they have been trying to remedy. First, it was a second or third choice for many years in the Catholic school hierarchy. ED is being used aggressively by Villanova admissions to improve yield. Second, Nova has a very low endowment compared to its peers. This make their admissions process “ need aware “. Full pay applicants have a distinct advantage over those who apply for need based financial aid. Bottom line is ED is the best way to improve your odds otherwise you are at the whim of admissions office “class shaping” priorities.


Villanova claims to be need blind in admissions (below). Have you heard contrary info?

As far as ED goes, that seems to be the case for many colleges these days, so that makes sense.

If you read under the tab “Financial Documentation” in the link you sent, they do state they are Need Aware

Yes, but for international students:

U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents

Villanova University’s admission process is need-blind for U.S. Citizens and permanent residents. This means that submitting an application for financial assistance will have no bearing on the admission decision.

International Applicants

International students are eligible to apply for the Presidential Scholarship as well as limited need-based financial assistance. Due to limited funding for international students, admission for non-U.S. citizens and permanent residents is need-aware, which means your family’s ability to pay for your education may be a factor in your admission decision.

Interesting - thanks for clarifying.

Accepted econ (also in at UChicago, Notre Dame, Gtown)

36 ACT (superscore), 4.0


What major did she apply?

My son was waitlisted after being deferred from EA. We only just realized this, as he has accepted at another school (his “dream” school). Congrats to everyone who was accepted, and good luck to those who are joining the active waitlist!
His stats were:
APs: 10
GPA: 4.4 W/3.8 UW
SAT: 1380
ECs: Average…

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Dd waitlisted RD business after deferred EA from business school. Likely will land up at Fordham now.

4.73 weighted, average ECs, 5 APs, heart-felt essays, did not submit SAT since only 1230.

She is upset, but I am not. I don’t think it’s a good fit and would prefer her go somewhere else that’s more of a target with better financials since we have to pay in full!


Villanova admitted 10% fewer kids this year than last year it looks like.

Last year the acceptance rate was 25% on a little over 24,399 applications. 5500 admitted this year vs 6100 for class of 2025.

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Probably a function of higher ED as a percentage of the total class? When your yield is 25%, for every 100 more you admit via ED you can reduce your RD admits by 400. Might even be more than that since I imagine ED skews the overall yield. Not sure how that’s calculated.

Gotta love 25+% admitted with a higher than 4.0 unweighted GPA…


I just looked at the CDS for Class of 2020 and they admitted 6770 that year and admitted 344 from the waitlist. They probably had a good amount of deferred students and probably trying to balance class size and manage yield (which I suspect will be high this year since this seems to be happening at a number of schools).

If someone was admitted for computer engineering, but had applied for mechanical engineering, does anyone know how difficult it is to change majors once there? I understand that for the purposes of admissions, they need to limit the number of students in each major. However, I wonder what the process is for changing to mechanical engineering. If anyone has experience, I’d love to hear it. Thx.

D was rejected after being deferred from EA. Not at all surprised, it was definitely her biggest reach.
Applied to Nursing
Strong EC’s

She’s headed to Pitt which is #6 BSN program in the country (and half the cost of Nova) so we’re thrilled!


Son was admitted EA and offered spot in Honors Program. Our EFC is high and no merit offer so far. Seeing all these highly qualified waitlisted kids makes me think there is little or no hope of getting any. Friend’s son is a junior and was given a 15k merit scholarship that doesn’t exist anymore. I think it was called the Augustinian Scholarship.

I don’t think there is any merit at Villanova besides the full tuition invitation only scholarship. S22 in the same boat: Honors, direct admit to his competitive STEM major program, super high stats from top Jesuit HS. Would love to go there but has scholarship offers from higher ranked schools.