Virginia Tech Accepted Tranfer Students Fall '12

<p>Hey! So from what I can see, no one has created an accepted transfer students thread yet and if one already exists I'm really sorry haha. I just thought it would be nice for transfers to have somewhere to figure things out, ask questions and whatever else. For example, I have no idea what I'm doing about housing for next year. I applied for on campus housing, but I know that last year they were unable to offer 0 transfer on campus housing due to limited space so I don't know if I should consider living off campus?</p>

<p>I will be joining Tech this fall. I too am a little confused about the housing. I did select on campus housing and entered my name into the wait list some time ago. Where can I find a roommate for the dorm? I don’t feel comfortable just going blind into it.</p>

<p>I was literally logging on here to start a new thread for Fall transfers- haha</p>

<p>What orientation has everybody signed up for? I believe I’m going to the June 19 orientation which I believe is only for Business majors but I could be wrong.</p>

<p>As for housing, my best friend, who goes to ODU with me, was also accepted as a transfer for the Fall semester so he and I are looking to get a place off-campus. My girlfriend goes to Tech so I was going to head down there this weekend after my Finals are completed so I can start searching for housing. I’ll update everybody on any info I find out about off-campus apartments.</p>

<p>Also, has anybody had their transfer credits evaluated? I’ve had a Hokie Bird for over a month and a half and I have yet to receive notification as to which credits will transfer. Rather frustrating, really.</p>

<p>Any insight would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Ah, where do you sign up for orientation?! I’m paying my matriculation deposit as soon as I get home so I haven’t really started anything. Ah VTtransfer7 that’s awesome! Sharing anything that you find out would be so appreciated. I want to live off campus too but all my friends already have an apartment together and I just don’t know how I’d go about that. I feel homeless haha. </p>

<p>As for the hokie bird, I got it on the 27th of last month and every time I click on it to see my transfer credits it tells me that they are not available at this time! It’s a little frustrating but I’m sure they’ll get to them very soon?!</p>

<p>You will need to sign up for orientation after you have created a PID. You can create a PID after a few days after paying the matriculation fee.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, I’m a current student at Tech who transferred Fall 2010, if you guys have any specific questions or concerns, I’d be happy to help! I went through tons of trouble while I was transferring so I had to learn a lot the summer before and the first few weeks of my first semester, so don’t hesitate to ask anything.</p>

<p>Here’s some info based on what you guys have already posted…</p>

<p>On campus Housing: I got offered an on campus spot when I transferred, didn’t accept it though. Basically if you’re on the waitlist and they decide to offer you a spot, you can fill out a contract and get housing. They’ve changed things up a bit for the upcoming year since they’ve had issues with over-booking housing since dorms have closed for construction. As of right now, I know that they have a small number returning students on “conditional” housing contracts, which means they won’t be assigned housing until the rest of the students on standard contracts AND the incoming freshmen are assigned housing. This means they don’t really get any housing OR roommate preferences unless they are taken off conditional housing and given a standard contract. I don’t know what exactly this means for transfer students, but they are not given any priority with housing. When I found out I was offered housing, it was already late May, so I had signed a lease with an apartment.</p>

<p>Off campus Housing: There are always tons of places with open apartments or rooms. Check Blacksburg Craigslist if you’re looking for either. You can also check the Virginia Tech Class Pages (Class of 2013, 2014, etc) and see if there’s someone with a nice place who needs another roommate or someone to take over their lease.</p>

<p>Distance isn’t really an issue with off campus housing. I live about 5 mins away by car (7-10 if it’s a class change, 10-15 if I need to find parking right before class haha) and it’s probably 10 minutes away by bus. There are also a few complexes and privately owned housing that’s literally across the street from campus. Depending on the building, living off campus can actually be closer from some places in Blacksburg.</p>

<p>For those visiting to find an apartment, make sure you call some places ahead of time. While the bigger complexes (Terrace View, Foxridge, etc) are open on weekends, some of the rental companies (Townside, Burnette, Raines, Blacksburg Real Estate) won’t be open. It depends on where you’re looking though.</p>

<p>Transfer Credit: I don’t remember when my credit was evaluated, but it was on time for orientation, which was fine. I did use the Transfer Credit Equivalency Database that’s online so I already knew what to expect.</p>

<p>Good work with the thread… I just paid my matriculation fee and feel kinda worried about on campus housing. I would prefer to live on campus if I go… Does anybody know about the intensity of the classes, I mean it is going to be a whole new experience and I just wanted to know if the work load of the classes is bearable so that I could do other things. btw I am a BioChem Major… O yea and do we get an email to set up our account??/</p>

<p>Does anyone know if our GPA transfers? I’ve heard it starts over? Is that true? It’s finals week and I’m already guaranteed a B in a class and I’m not going to pull an all nighter trying to get an A if it won’t even matter…</p>

<p>Our gpa starts over, but I understand grad schools will ask for transcripts from each school you’ve been to, so it’s not COMPLETELY forgotten.</p>

<p>thats interesting…</p>

<p>sucks I lose my 3.5 but it’ll be easier to get a VT cumulative 4.0 without it being weighted down.</p>

<p>Yeah, i’m kind of on the fence with the whole GPA ordeal. The pessimistic side of me is sort of down about it because i worked hard to get my 3.4 but the optimistic side of me feels that it’s a fresh start to achieve an even higher GPA.</p>

<p>Is everybody planning on applying to live on-campus?</p>

<p>The way I see it, it’s just another chance to start fresh and get an even better gpa :)</p>

<p>I’ve signed a lease with my boyfriend in Foxridge, so I hope my C- (possibly a D at this point) doesn’t get me rescinded :S</p>


<p>Have you already finished the course and received that grade or are you just guessing that’s your grade at this point?</p>

<p>My final is next Friday, so there’s that grade + my term paper (but my professor is a harsh grader) before I know my final grade. Assuming I get at least an 80 on the final and the term paper, I’ll get a 69 or 70. I’ve never had this happen to me before, it sucks it had to happen this particular semester lol</p>

<p>Try and avoid getting the D, it can very well lead to you being rescinded.</p>

<p>Eeek! I mean, it’s on a free elective and my overall GPA will stay the same, do you really think so? If it weren’t for this class, I’d have a 4.0 this semester :/</p>


<p>I got into VT’s College of Engineering but am deciding whether to go to UVA or not…I’m from NOVA and VT’s just really far away…I know…VT is known for Engineering, but UVA’s EE and CPE program is really good!</p>

<p>Thoughts? Anyone’s opinions would help :)?</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone :)</p>

<p>I was looking for places to live off campus the other weekend and actually signed a lease at Smith’s Landing. The apartments there are pretty nice and I think there is still a good amount of the 2 bedrooms left.</p>

<p>Can we get rescinded for one ‘C’… This is the first one for me… i only have A’s and B’s…</p>