Virginia Tech Accepted Tranfer Students Fall '12

<p>Well, whatever is left over is supposed to be used for “educational purposes”. You can actually use it on whatever you want, I don’t think they ask for proof about where the money is going… I’d call the FA office, but I don’t see why housing wouldn’t be allowed :/</p>

<p>And after a quick Google search, the general consensus is that yes, you can. </p>

<p>“Financial aid and student loans can cover the cost of books, housing, food, transportation, and even entertainment. Basically, any education related expense can be covered by financial aid.”</p>

<p>I’m kinda ****ed our gpa starts over, I like my 3.5 lol</p>

<p>Basically, financial aid works as follows:</p>

<p>John lives off campus. John gets $10,000 a semester in financial aid. This includes stafford loans, grants, scholarships, etc. (pretty much any financial aid given through the school). Before the start of each semester, the VT Bursar’s office will release John’s bill- $5,512 for his in-state tuition and an extra $1500 or so for his major meal plan- or 7,012 total. </p>

<p>VT takes out the $7012 from the initial 10,000 and John (after signing up for direct deposit with his bank- BECAUSE THAT IS THE SMART THING TO DO) gets $2, 988 deposited into his account on approximately August 15-20th and January 15-20th. He will then put this money towards books for the semester, rent/utilites, groceries, etc.</p>

<p>I’ve received aid every year so I’m pretty well accustomed to it at this point.</p>

<p>Did anybody send their high school transcripts? Is there a deadline? How important are they?</p>

<p>You have to send them by orientation, I think? Or before classes start, at least. Mine got there before my college transcripts did lol</p>

<p>Ok, so after You make your PID, whats next??? I already put my name up on the on campus housing waitlist… What else are we supposed to do?? When can we sign up for classes or etc…</p>

<p>Sign up for orientation. Check your financial aid award if any and double check if all your information is correct by signing into My VT.</p>

<p>So is it possible for a transfer sophomore student to change
Majors… I have 41 credit hours that are being transfered…???</p>

<p>It could be possible, depends which major, though. Some have courses that are all pre-reqs of the next, stuff like that. You might want to email the department you’re interested in, or go to their website and look at the transfer requirements + grad requirements and see how it matches up with what you have right now.</p>

<p>This is assuming you want to graduate in 4 years. If not, there shouldn’t be a problem if you can get accepted.</p>

<p>Did anyone else get the email about changing your major before orientation? Does anyone know what will happen if i request a major change and get denied? Will I lose admission? </p>

<p>The email said send my major change to the appchange email and my application will be re reviewed and I should do so before Orientation so I can attend the right session because apparently you can’t change during orientation. </p>

<p>I want to change to Business Economics but I don’t want to risk getting my admissions revoked if that’s a possibility…</p>

<p>You won’t lose your admission. You may just get denied to your new major. What’s your stated major now?</p>

<p>Yes I received the same email. My current major is general engineering but when I sent a request to change it to electrical engineering someone replied stating,</p>

<p>“Thank you for your email. All students applying to various majors within the College of Engineering are listed under the General Engineering program. A specific engineering major is not entered until completion of the first year of general engineering courses.”</p>

<p>When I asked that I am a transfer student from NOVA with an associates, the person replied:</p>

<p>“This does still apply to you. Admissions reviews admissibility for General Engineering and The College of Engineering further assists with transition to a specific major after enrollment. You may wish to contact the College of Engineering directly, as they are your best resource for your specific major declaration at Virginia Tech.”</p>

<p>im trying to go from Sociology to business economics</p>

<p>I got my grades! Brought my possible D up to a B :)</p>

<p>One prof didn’t hand in the grades on time… Which means I won’t know the grade till sixth week of Fall classes :confused: any suggestions on what I can do about this? Pretty sure the course is an A.</p>

<p>eeek…i have orientation tomorrow, i’m so excited (: haha</p>

<p>Have fun. My guess is that right now you are probably in your small group with your TOG. I had my orientation yesterday .</p>

<p>haha I had orientation on the 19th too. I wonder if we were in the same group lol</p>