Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

I think I saw somewhere that if you were deferred early decision. You have a very small chance of getting in early action. I hope this is not true because I was deferred from early decision with a 4.1 majoring in BIT. Does anyone know what my chances of getting in would be with these stats? I didn’t submit an SAT and I am a white in-state female with 7 honors classes and 2 APs and legacy. I just can’t wait!!!

Weighted GPA isn’t easy to compare. I would assume with no test score, grades and rigor would matter even more, but they also look at rigor in the context of what is offered at your school. Is 2 AP classes the most rigorous?
Good luck to you!

I don’t think you have a small chance in early action. I think your application is reevaluated like a new application.

yea that’s not true. Your application is looked at as a regular early action application. No advantage or disadvantage

Hello, I was wondering if there is an option on the portal to withdraw my EA application. I already got accepted into my dream school and I do not want to take anyone else’s spot that may want to attend VT.


Just send an email to the admissions office (your admissions counselor) and let them know.

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Congrats! Mind sharing what your dream school is? :slight_smile:

Clemson University for Mechanical Engineering. I was accepted into the Honors College today so I decided to lock in also since I’m legacy there.


That is amazing. Congratulations!! So glad you found the perfect fit!

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Has anyone noticed on their admissions page that there’s now a text of “Facebook” on their page ? Don’t want to read too much into it - but is that a possible precursor to a FB group for students ? It’s not a hyperlink, just text that says “Facebook” next to the Application Information section…

thats for the vt admissions facebook page

I see it too but I think it might have always been there?

It is new on this end. The FB link wasn’t there previously.

If it’s a precursor/placeholder that could be activated to a link, keep in mind that it would be a system-wide update to their interface. It’s not a clue.

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I understand that VT is not generous with merit aid. However, if they were to give merit, would you find out in the acceptance letter? Or at some later date?

Confirmed: Early Decisions release tomorrow end of day, as per Admissions Office. Good luck everyone.


Do we know when exactly “end of day” is? My guess is 5, maybe?

The FB text/link has been on my son’s VT portal for some time. It actually shows the FB page for VT Admissions. You can click on it and it opens up the actual VT Admissions FB page and you can scroll down to view all of their recent postings. It probably doesn’t mean anything, just a marketing tool.

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Does that include Early Action?