Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Daughter in-state (Stafford County)
Gpa 3.8 weighted
Some IB, DE and AP classes
Did not submit test scores
Strong essay writer
A few extra curricular, not much and part time job.

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I’m sorry and understand how you feel. Admissions across the board are crazy this year. My daughter was accepted to VA Tech today, but given the bridge to Clemson on Monday- basically Community College for a year with direct transfer into Clemson. I’m a Clemson alum… It may not be the path we had planned, but they will find their way and have an amazing college experience, wherever it may be. Good luck!


Very similar situation with my son.
Which is why I’m on this forum to see if it happened to others
In state 4.7 weighted, 4.0 unweighted
1500 SAT, 36 ACT (SAT and ACT both only took one time)
National Merit semifinalist (now finalist)
In running to be Valedictorian (not trying to act presumptuous)
Little short on extracurriculars but COVID didn’t help
Applied early action UVA and early action Va Tech
Chemical Engineering for both (translates to general engineering at Va Tech)
Waitlisted for VA Tech engineering but accepted at UVA
I’m a Va Tech Alumni and had convinced my son on all the benefits of Va Tech. Va Tech is his top choice. We planned on visiting and having lunch at Dietrick Hall in March
We are both devastated.
Please, I am not being unappreciative of the incredible honor of him being among the 20% accepted to UVA. He is thrilled to have such an excellent “fall back” that many of us consider our dream school. I understand folks aren’t going to have a lot of sympathy given that option to move on to.
Just that we’re devastated by the Va Tech waitlisting and trying to make sense of it.
Wondering if the UVA acceptance had something to do with it.
Perhaps the Tech Common App supplemental essay didn’t hit the right note or something, but he’s an excellent writer too.


Did any international students get accepted? I’m from India and I got waitlisted…kinda crushed tbh

No offense here but my s9n had significantly better gpa and got rejected. Well, goodbye VT and I wonder if they will get the same number of applicants next year! He was OOS.

I did and I’m from India too

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Can you tell me your stats?

Markpboyd - Sounds like we have the same son - he also wants chemical engineering, got into uva but not Tech. I have been pushing Virginia Tech all along thinking that his admission was pretty certain and he loved it there. We are both so disappointed.

Jeez…that’s a long post. Anyway congratulations :partying_face:

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DS- Accepted In-State
General Engineering
4.2 W
1390 SAT 710 Math
7 APs 1 DE Strong math Rigor

This site has been an amazing resource. I am so thankful all of you were here to listen to and commiserate with. Congratulations to everyone who got accepted and my best to all of the amazing kids who will do great wherever they go.


I’m so sorry, I agree with everyone else, it just doesn’t make sense. Engineering magnet school…1540…top 2% of her class… :woman_shrugging: I don’t get it.

EXACTLY. Everyone is getting waitlisted. I’m from Nepal. Waitlisted too.

This is really weird cause VT was my match university. I’m really scared for the other decisions now.

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We’re over it. DD waitlisted for Animal Science with a 34 ACT, top 5% of her class at a NoVA public, 8 APs, 2 DEs, rigorous course load, Science National Honor Society, Latin Honor Society, volunteers at a horse farm. Yeah, pretty disappointed and done with it.

The good news, she was accepted at another school that became her #1 choice over the past 6 months, a smaller college where she won’t feel like just a number and enough merit to make it cheaper than Tech.


The afternoon UNC released decisions I thought the samething after reading everyone’s post. So many OOS lower stats received acceptances than kids from NC, my daughter included. But I also remind myself this board is a small population. I don’t know much about VATech but UNC is one that every year you don’t know what they will do. Some years they accept alot from every in state HS then like this year they didn’t. This year kids that deferred at NCState got into UNC. Kids up for full rides at State didn’t get ECU Honors. Mine was waitlisted at Clemson but got into more competitive schools. I will say this what I have noticed is not one school really cared about rigor overall. That was out the door this year. Stats showing 4.5 and above a couple AP and rest honors. We know kids that got money that have a great GPA no rigor. After years of colleges/counselors saying it matters… it doesn’t or for the majority it didn’t. Everyone feels defeated after pushing all the right things for years. I’m so sorry this happened to your son/daughter after all these seniors have been thru(many haven’t been in their schools for almost a year, along with everything else being taken away) they all deserve their number 1.


OOS twins NC. Husband and I both attended as well as my dad. D21 got in engineering. Super high stats, 2 sport athlete. Not her first choice. DS21 waitlisted engineering. Not as high stats but still very strong, athlete blah blah blah. Has loved VT since he could talk. We will hope for waitlist. I have to think VT is being much more conservative given the housing mess a few years ago. We are most upset that Engineering gave no 2nd major choice. My little family wouldn’t exist if this had been the policy with architecture 35 years ago. Knew we would be a “house divided” soon but it hit hard yesterday. Congratulations to those who made it in. It is clear kids worked really hard and it has been a rough year.

Completely agree! I know of someone who got into UNC with no AP’s and several who were deferred to NC State with amazing stats. Also a student who is in the top 10 of her high school (not 10%) who had been deferred or denied everywhere she applied until finally getting in on an ED II decision last week (imagine having no acceptances all the way in February!) It’s been a bizarre application cycle to say the least!

Many kids have been disappointed by at least one decision this year. It’s a struggle not to take deferrals & denials personally, but if their stats qualify them to get into the colleges they’ve applied to, then they’ve done their job. The rest is up to fate & AO’s. We have to have faith that they will thrive no matter where they end up. It’s only a quick 4 year blip of their long lives.


This is where VT not considering demonstrated interest fails both students and the college. The concern over yield can hurt the high stat students the most. I’m so sorry for all of you that deserved an acceptance but didn’t get one. :heart:


I’m glad to see another Tennessean on this VT forum! Congrats on your son’s acceptance! My son got in as well, Engineering. He will do Corps of Cadets if he ends up going there.

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