Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

All the more reason to apply EA in my opinion. A lot of schools are moving to using ED/EA to fill their class more … so applying RD will make you late to a lot of parties.

Outside of William and Mary (which doesn’t have EA), we applied everywhere EA - where it was available. Waiting until April/May for an answer puts everyone in a bad spot - especially in a year like this.

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@spark58510 Yes, that’s essentially what I was saying. Apply EA whenever possible, but especially at VT when they’ve said that almost the whole class comes from ED/EA. We are local, so kids get an answer much earlier, but anyone who is serious about VT should not wait until RD.

We are local as well (40 minutes from Blacksburg). What do you mean by - we will get an answer much earlier? Just curious as I was under the impression that everyone heard about EA at the same time. Thanks,

@spark58510 Students at high schools within a specific proximity to Blacksburg/VT have an early application and decision opportunity. It may just be a Montgomery County thing or a couple other contiguous counties to Montgomery.

@spark58510 I’m certain you would know if your high school does on-site admission for Virginia Tech as your counselors would be publicizing it to seniors (the application deadline was earlier than ED or EA). I know Montgomery County, Pulaski County, Floyd County, Giles County and Radford do on-site admission where students heard back at the end of November. I think it’s a courtesy for kids who grow up as part of the VT extended community. 40 minutes away (are you in Roanoke?) sounds a little further than that range to me, so you should hear during the normal EA decision date. Good luck!

@VTAdmissions Will it really take until February 22nd for Early Action notifications? I am out of state and that seems really late compared to other competitive schools like UVA, UGA, and GT for example. UGA already sent out their EA decisions. GT and UVA are both in Janaury. The waiting is really hard, but I am sure you hear that all the time :slight_smile:

@Snowy11 UVA is promising a mid-February decision date for EA this year, FYI. UGA and GT don’t have an ED option, so perhaps that helps them get through EA apps earlier. It seems like everything is pushed back a little this year for most schools. Hang in there!

@rbc2018 Thanks. I didn’t realize UVA was mid-February as what I have read states January 30th, so thanks for the updated information! I already received my admission to UGA, so that makes sense with no ED’s. I am trying to be patient, but also ready to make a decision. Va Tech has a very unique major that I am really interested in so the waiting is tough.

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@Snowy11 It’s definitely hard to wait. What’s the major you’re interested in?

@rbc2018 I am interested in nanoscience or nanomedicine.

@Snowy11 Those are new within the last few years and are very interesting. Be sure to check out career paths and what you would do with that degree. My son was interested in that a couple of years ago, but sought advice from VT faculty that we know and ultimately decided that there were not good career options and graduate school would be a must (it was also recommended to him to do chemistry and minor in one of those to be more marketable).
This is a totally different area, but check out Virginia Tech’s packaging systems and design major. It’s part engineering, part business, part design, part science; they do interesting stuff, and the graduates are extremely marketable and get engineering-level salaries. Anyway, I think it’s one of VT’s best kept secrets so I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

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Thank you. I have put a spreadsheet together with info from each school and the packaging systems and design was my other option. Clemson has a similar degree as well that I am interested in. I chose nanoscience because my mom has been in drug and vaccine development for over 28 years. She has had a rewarding career and she has provided me great advice. One of my older brothers is graduating college in May and is following in her footsteps.


@Snowy11 That sounds great, and she can give you great career advice! Best of luck to you, exciting times!

Anyone know if making it to Stage 2 of the Davenport indicates acceptance?

@Cnbmd5 If you take a look at past threads re: the Davenport Scholarship, it doesn’t look like there is a correlation between acceptance and the various stages. In fact, last year I believe there was a post on here from a parent who’s student was informed they were a finalist and they were ultimately wait-listed by admissions during EA.

Does VT notify EA applicants of their decisions all on one day, or do they give notifications in waves, or over time through February?

@Wormwad Unless there is a drastic departure from how notifications have traditionally been done, the decisions are posted to the student’s account all on the same day. VT Admissions social media usually posts a teaser sometime during the day they are released, and more often than not they are released after 4:00 PM.


It’s interesting how short the time frame is from hearing EA versus RD for VT (late Feb vs. early March) but hopefully we end up hearing early in late Feb and not late in late Feb :slight_smile:

We didn’t get to see VT in person yet but my daughter is loving what she’s been able to see virtually and hears only good things from people she’s spoken with about the school!

What date will VT communicate EA acceptances?

Website and portal say “Late Feb.” - here’s hoping it’s a bit sooner!

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