Virginia Tech Deadlines

Why Virginia Tech changes their deadlines?
They extended the deadlines even later than last year!!
I wonder why they shortened the deadlines than usual then extended
Is it because there are less applications than every year?

I thought their deadline last year was in January and that they moved it up a month to December. Additionally, their applications have been increasing the last few years.

this year their deadline is 12/1 and then they extended to 1/15

VA Tech has extended their deadline? DS wanted to apply but we missed the deadline. It just snuck up on us. You mean he can still apply?

@Empireapple I just checked the VT site and it appears they have moved the deadline. What is strange is they haven’t changed or deleted their admissions twitter feed that says the deadline is 12/1. My guess is that the 12/1 date was too soon and they didn’t get as many applications as they expected, which is odd given how many kids want to go there.

I saw that VT changed their deadline too! My friend tried continuing his application on his account that he messed up on (he misspelled his name lol) but he couldn’t. I think that’s the deadline for transcripts, scores, etc to be submitted?

@loveyourself99 - I originally thought so too until I saw this…

What is so odd is that I can’t find any press about the date change. You would think they would want to let folks know they are still accepting apps.

Virginia Tech’s admission’s director is leaving at the end of December. Starting at Radford University January 1st. Locally, we were wondering if the deadline shift might have something to do with mid-year change in admissions office administration.

@msvirginia - Huh. Not sure if her leaving is good or bad for current applicants. She was at our school about 5 weeks ago talking to a room full of parents and students. She was terrific and knows all the state high schools well (strengths and weaknesses). She also has a great rapport with our counseling staff. Hopefully her replacement is someone on her staff and has the same knowledge base.

I thought I was losing my mind! I printed the checklist on 11/27. It said deadlines to apply and scholarships were both 12/1. On 11/30 scholarships was changed to 12/7. Today I see the deadline is 1/15 and while searching for an explanation I only found this thread. We could have used the extra time. It concerns me that the school would make this so confusing. Another school we applied to extended it’s deadline due to the hurricanes but didn’t really communicate that either. It just makes it that much more stressful when you’re trying to keep all these things straight.

While it doesn’t all make sense, I hold firm with “trust the system” when it comes to Virginia Tech. This article recognizes them as among the “most efficiently operated” universities -

Hopefully the students that applied by the original Dec. 1st deadline will get extra consideration, or at least an earlier notification.

That would be really nice.

As a student with stats that “should” get me admitted - but not even close to a lock - this extension seems pretty unfair. I could have taken the SAT again in December to raise my scores. I could have rewritten or further edited my essays. Someone even said that the essay length changed from early September to now from <300 to <250. I could have used 50 more words on a couple of my essays. All of these changes have me really stressed out. With another month and a half of applications I could end up being denied. I’m so sad.

@SleeplessInNOVA I am sure there are a lot of kids that feel the same way you do. I am hopeful they will review the Dec 1 apps before the others and will admit in waves. Please don’t stress over it. There is nothing you can do at this point. I know it’s easier said than done, as my son is a Dec 1 app kid too.

@SleeplessInNOVA you’re not alone :frowning: I started my application in Oct and submitted it in early Nov. It took me a month to preapre perfect essays and a good list of my extracurricular activities. I even spent 2 months study for the sat. And now they just changed the deadlines :confused: which means our change will be smaller.
But hope they will do like what lastone03 said, thanks. That means a lot :slight_smile:

The way I read the deadline extension, it is for those applying for Spring 18, not Fall 18. Am I wrong?

@rofiorillo I see where you see that but it’s misleading. Here is what I found…

Woah looks like VT is having another year of receiving tons of applications. “Applications are not being considered for Spring 2018 due to space limitations.”

@VTHopefullyy I posted that link and didn’t even notice that. Thanks for pointing it out. I think it will be another tough year (like the last 2).