Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Does anybody know how many they will accept in this round? I am worried. My son got accepted to JMU early and that was 18,000 that applied early.

Does anyone know for sure what the date of the EA decision release was last year? Iā€™ve seen a bunch of dates in this thread and Iā€™ve been unable to figure it out by looking at last yearā€™s posts.

I thought they said late February? Another post said they thought it would be Friday the 18th?

If you are in VA you can check the overall rates here, though the 21/22 data is not there yet

I was just guessing since your DS also applied to JMU :slight_smile:


My son was deferred at VT and was accepted with the RD applicants. A deferred status means you are still in the game!!


It was Friday the 19th last year. It was supposed to be at 5pm. It was about 5:15/5:20 when it was posted. I took a video of my son so I checked the video date. Hope that helps. I assuming it will be the 18th this year based on last year.


@jnksmimzy VT doesnā€™t provide a ā€œrollingā€ report as their offer categories/deadlines pass. Any data on offer numbers by category (ED, EA, RD) usually shows up in a press release from Admissions after the matriculation deadline. That said, the trend has been for roughly 75-85% of the offers to come within ED and EA combined and anecdotally the lionā€™s share of RD offers seem to have gone to applicants who were deferred from early categories (vs. actual RD applicants).

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UVA is releasing their EA tomorrow

Has anyone updated their SRAR? Our high school will send mid-year reports but am wondering if they also needed to be self reported on SRAR. Do you think VT will even look at midyear at this point?

@Pfms2022 VT bases their offer of admission on what you submitted on your initial application. They have stated on these forums as well as posted on their website in the past that they donā€™t review mid-year grades as part of the offer process. It appears most likely that they may do a quick check of your self report vs. final transcript that your school sends to them just to make sure there arenā€™t discrepancies.

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My son sent an email to VT admissions asking if he needed to update his SRAR with mid year grades and they said no, that they donā€™t look at them.


I think of all the colleges my daughter applied to, VT considered the least amount of admissions criteria. Iā€™m wondering if they judged based on answers to the short essay questions, or mainly on GPA/course rigor? It was nice not to be pressured about teacher recs (they didnā€™t look at them last year, not sure if they are this year).

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I am really trying to figure out the baseline on what they look at. My son was rejected last night from UVA so Tech is his last option

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@jnksmimzy @CollegeNerd67 Good luck trying to figure out the admissions process for any university. It can all seem really random at times. Historically, VT has emphasized the essays and course rigor as far as ā€œtangiblesā€ seem to go. Other hooks have been leadership experience. Gone are the days of SAT and legacy leading the wayā€¦ which frankly is a positive development in my opinion. Good luck to you both.


@ShenVal18 Thank you - mine is in her 2nd semester freshman year at VT :wink:

Iā€™m also waiting - my daughter applied to Aerospace EA. OOS, 3.9W, 9 APs, two fluent foreign languages, varsity swimming (state champions last year), swimming coach job, STEM classes.

We got into CU Boulder, ASU and Iowa for Aerospace (later two with scholarships of $50k+), PennState for 2+2 college of engineering and Stony Brook gor planetary sciences. She was rejected from Purdue FYE.

OhioState, Virginia Tech and University of Maryland are the last on our list.

Good luck to everyone!


VTECH Countdownā€¦

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Is this accurate?

Any past stats for % deferred from ED who ultimately are admitted?

Are Deferred ED admitted during EA or RD?