Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>I hope we both get in… I have a 2.94 gpa >_> sigh</p>

<p>I wonder if anyone has ever got into Virginia Tech lower than a 3.0 GPA >_>… ■■■</p>

<p>Well if you listed that you are getting your A.S. from NOVA, I heard they look really favorably on that. What department are you going into? For me a 3.3 might be okay because I’m a studio art major… now if you’re going for engineering, that might be difficult. I’ll research and see if anyone’s gotten in with a 2 something. I really wish you the best of luck.
In state + NOVA = a major advantage for transfers.
I also saw on college board that a little less than 50% of transfers who applied get in, and other stats have been roughly 1,000 out of 3,000 students, during really tough years.</p>

<p>I am applying for Pamplin School of Business, I need to take like 1-2 classes at Virginia Tech, if I do get admitted. I understand business is pretty competitive, however I believe to my understandings that my credits from NVCC only transfer, I may lose some credits, however the grades I get at V-Tech will determine if I get into Pamplin or not. I hope I just get admitted, I am truly a die hard V-Tech. I understand my GPA is low, due to personal issues. I am not 100% sure though that … =/ I have never received a grade lower than a “C” if that also helps. My GPA is low, because of my Calculus & Statistics classes with horrible professors. Sigh… I am trying my best to stop worrying until March & April. However, I just really want to get in sigh. I did poorly my first two semesters, however my summer classes and last semester I received 3.5 being full credit. I plan on getting a (4.0) this semester which will bump my GPA to a 3.2… but it would be to late for me =[</p>

<p>Ah, I see. Well I have some friends at the Pamplin school and they love it. I totally understand. Tech is the only school that I have spirit for! It’s amazing and everyone is so freaking friendly and kind it’s amazing. I think the fact that you’re coming from NVCC will really help you out here. Keep us all posted, please!</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore at the University of Puerto Rico, applying for psychology. For HS my GPA was 4.00+, don’t remember very well, with a bunch of AP and Honors courses. My college GPA is 3.21 currently, though I wrote a statement about medical problems and hospitalizations during my freshman year. We managed to stabilize my health last summer, and I got a 4.0 for Fall 2011.</p>

<p>I’ve got lots of GE courses done, as well as Intro to Psych, so I hope that having most of their CLE done helps! :slight_smile: I think my essays were strong also, so its a matter of how many people they accept this time around and how much they take health/explanations into account! :S</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>anyone else think this could be a down year for applications (especially transfers) to Virginia Tech because of the recent campus shooting, VCU making the final four, and other factors?</p>

<p>wrjosh88 - No. The shootings in the past didn’t affect their applications at all, and similarly, they didn’t decrease in 2006 with GMU making the final four either.</p>

<p>That’s right. Even though I kind of wish it would so we could get in easier, too many people want to be there. Just like us.
Does anyone know just how early we might be getting our letter? It’s definitely still a long way off. I remember getting my rejection letter two weeks early back in '09.</p>

<p>Its spread out through late March, April, until the deadline</p>

<p>Did anybody get Letters of Recommendation? I always thought that was more for freshman applications but have heard they accept them for transfers. Anybody know if they accept them for transfers?</p>

<p>I’m sending two anyway. I’ve seen nothing about it online, but then talked to an admissions lady in person on campus and she said that I needed to send some. Now I look young, so she might have thought I was a freshman. I’d say that it couldn’t hurt to send them.</p>

<p>Hey, all. Applying to VT this fall as well.</p>

<p>I’m also at NVCC. 3.682 College GPA, 1970 SAT, PTK member, already graduated with an associate’s degree. Would major in English at VT (would be fun to take classes with Ms. Giovanni!)</p>

<p>I think I have a good shot at getting in, for the most part, and if your GPA is above 3 at a semi-decent school, you should be all right as well with good essays and recs.</p>

<p>I’ve gotten into GMU (by way of the guaranteed admission agreement), and am applying to UVA, W&M, and G’Town as well (maybe Cornell for the heck of it, too.)</p>

<p>Hey guys! I’m a freshman at Grinnell College in Iowa right now. I have a 3.197 GPA but in high school I graduated with a 4.02, and a 33 ACT score. Pretty nervous as I’m out of state and also because I’m hoping they get my transcripts in time… Does anyone know how steadfast they are about deadlines? I’ve got the application done but just need to send in my transcripts. Sadly there’s only a week until the deadline. Does it have to be in their hands by the 15th or just postmarked?</p>

<p>@Marya, I called because I was worried that my transcript had gotten lost in the mail and they let me know that if they still need any of your documents and it’s past the deadline, they will email you and give you a chance.</p>

<p>Yes- as long as you get the application itself in, you can follow that up with the rest of your documents. They’re letting me send a transcript in around midterms from my community college.</p>

<p>Oh, awesome! I called today and they seemed to think it was fine too. I would have been pretty upset if I wasted all that time on the app for nothing!</p>

<p>Hey, I don’t know if this helps anybody, but I transferred to Tech last fall. I spent my freshman year at CNU and had a 3.68. I applied into Pamplin. I had also finished all but two of the gen eds., and took all the business courses that CNU let me take.</p>

<p>Sup guys. I’m a freshman at GMU. I’m a computer engineering major and my 1st semester gpa was a 3.69. </p>

<p>1st Semester:
Calc 1
Intro to Engineering
Chem and chem lab
English 101</p>

<p>2nd semester:
Calc 2
Engineering computer graphics
Physics and physics lab
Major world regions
History </p>

<p>HS stats was a 3.6w with IB diploma, and 2070 sat. </p>

<p>It’s a long way till we find out but I hope we all get in!</p>

<p>That’s extremely encouraging, thank you! Do you have any friends that transferred into the art program? I have a 3.3 at the moment. I think I’m okay if you got into pamplin with a 3.68, since that’s much more competitive.</p>