Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Does anyone know if we need to send the admissions office an actual list of all the courses we’ve taken so far? In the application checklist it seems like they put it as something in addition to the online application, but from the online app they already know the courses I’m taking. So, do I still need to send a hard copy of my course list?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if sending a HS transcript is absolutely necessary for transfer students?</p>

<p>submitting your HS transcripts is required</p>

<p>djbrah, HS transcripts are required, but in a few cases the admissions office will make a decision before you send them in. i don’t know how common that is, and you’ll still have to send it in to secure your spot anyway.</p>

<p>marya135, your university transcripts will list the courses you’ve taken and also the ones you’re currently enrolled in.</p>

<p>Hi! Had to join too, haha.
I’m a transfer applicant for the fall 2012 semester as well. I’ve been looking everywhere online for the “chance calculators” but they don’t take a lot of my factors into consideration. Would you guys be willing to chance me? I’d really appreciate it. I’m beyond nervous.</p>

<p>Major applied for: Human Development.
Freshman at a Virginia Community college.</p>

<p>General Information:
-First Generation College Student
-Veteran of the U.S. Army
-Work experience at the Humane Society
-Really Crappy High School GPA :/</p>

<p>COURSES & GPA:</p>

<p>Last Semester GPA: 3.25
-World Civilization II
-College Algebra
-Drawing I</p>

<p>Current Semester (Midterm GPA of 3.25):
-Anatomy & Physiology
-Developmental Psychology
-Developmental Chemistry
-Computer Concepts</p>

<p>Do I stand a chance? or am I probably out?</p>

<p>As a transfer, you are probably okay. The Army/ first generation thing helps out for sure.</p>

<p>So I go to NOVA with a 3.23 GPA. but I hope to bring it up to atleast a 3.4 this semester. My question is are they going to look at my current gpa or are they going to wait till I complete this semester??? I really need to know</p>

<p>I’m in the exact same boat. They’ll look at your grades now, but they will absolutely accept your midterm grades. I asked admissions on campus and they confirmed it. Just let them know you’re sending it. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thankx I appreciate it… Best of Luck…</p>

<p>Can anyone see the hokiebird on the status page?
I see the bird with the message, “Your Transfer Credit Evaluation may be complete.”
When I click the link, however, it says “There is no transfer evaluation processed as of this date. If you have forwarded all final copies of your transfer transcripts to us, please allow more time for processing. Continue to check this website for updates to your transfer credit record.”
Does it mean like it’s a good news or just regular process?</p>

<p>I’ve only heard good things about the hokie bird on your status page. But I’ve never seen anyone actually confirm anything about it. I’ve seen a lot of people say they have the bird and eventually get in though, so take it as a good sign.</p>

<p>Are you international? when did you submit your application? what was your gpa and where are you transfering from?</p>

<p>If there is one thing I know abuot the hokie bird it means your going to find out your decision soon.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply wrjosh88, I’m a transfer applicant with 4.0 GPA transferring from TCC in Virginia Beach. I have 73 credits (including some transferred credits from the previous university and current semester credits at TCC). I think I applied VT application on Jan 9, 2012 though.</p>

<p>By the way, here is a list of courses I’ve taken so far & I’m taking now:</p>

<p>Spring 2011 – Transferred Credits from the previous university
Introduction the Arts 1
College Chemistry 1
College Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry 1
Organic Chemistry Lab 1
College Composition 1
Introduction to Psychology 1</p>

<p>Spring 2011 – TCC
EGR 120 – Introduction to Engineering
EGR 110 – Engineering Graphics<br>
MTH 173 – Calculus with Analytic Geometry 1<br>
ENG 112 – College Composition 2</p>

<p>Summer 2011 – TCC
MTH 174 - Calculus with Analytic Geometry 2
PHY 241 – University Physics 1
EGR 140 – Engineering of Mechanics – Statics </p>

<p>Fall 2011 – TCC
EGR 125 – Introduction to Engineering Methods (C++)
PHY 242 – University Physics 2<br>
MTH 279 – Ordinary Differential Equations<br>
HIS 101 – History Western Civilization 1 </p>

<p>Spring 2012 – TCC (Current semester)
HLT 130 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy
SDV 101 – Orientation to Engineering and Technologies
REL 230 – Religions of the World
MTH 277 – Vector Calculus
EGR 260 – Circuit Analysis</p>

<p>Dude, you so got in.</p>

<p>my god, reading those stats hurts my feelings. haha.</p>

<p>I think everyone who qualifies for honors is finding out first. And with those stats, you certainly fit the bill.</p>

<p>How long after the honors applicants see the Hokie bird, that normal applicants start to see them?</p>

<p>Probably around this time next month. That’s around when a bulk of transfers started learning their decisions in years past…</p>

<p>Okay so I’m currently a sophomore at another 4 year institution. I applied to VT my senior year of high school and got in, but ultimately ended up choosing another college. Anyways, I have since decided that VT was the right choice for me.<br>
My cum. college GPA is a 3.1 ish.<br>
Additional Information: I was previously accepted in highschool. I am a first generation college student. I am also a resident of VA.</p>

<p>tuvt, what major did you apply for?</p>