Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Please let us know how it goes. I have classes and labs from 8am to 5pm tomorrow. No considerable break time so i could call and you know it takes at least 10 minutes just to get through the initial waiting lol. If i hear after the convo that a ‘C’ can really cause the revocation, then i might freak out lol. Maybe showing a medical issue as the cause will help out? ;P</p>

<p>I’m more concerned about a D. :’(</p>

<p>But I will try to call too.</p>

<p>That class isn’t offered online??? OMG!!! Now this is going to be a problem for me. I was planning to take like 15 credits this summer to transfer as much as i can. So i need to rethink everything then. I emailed back asking the same thing but after 5 pm though so haven’t heard back.
btw i heard summer session II in VT is very hard (much harder than NOVA classes) and there are not many students around then. Since i’ll be totally new, it might be even harder for me. This is why i wanted to start from Fall.</p>

<p>I wish they would reconsider the ‘C/D’ grade revocation policy after getting all these calls lol</p>

<p>@Nancelica I’m actually in-state =’(((</p>

<p>Has anyone stationed in Virginia been accepted into the Engineering program, by any chance?</p>

<p>@weenlove2468 I am in-state and got in. Don’t look into that now. People are still getting accepted and you have 20 more days!!! Best wishes</p>

<p>@Nancelica Ya I’m an engineer to and got the bird just a few days ago.
@JennyK13 I’ve been having the same problem to, thought it was actually just my computer</p>

<p>yeah i would really like to know something about this “C” ordeal. My school, ECU only does letter grades, no +/-. I am more than likely going to get 2 C’s and I’m stressing my admission will get revoked. I don’t see why a C is all that bad, but it is Virginia Tech. I really don’t want this to get messed up.</p>

<p>Hey I was wondering if any pysch majors heard back yet? I haven’t gotten a hokie bird or anything so im pretty nervous :confused: I turned in my app like 2/13 and they didnt get my HS transcript til 3/29 and I had a 3.58 first semster and is about the same right now. I’m a freshman at GMU. I got a 650 in verbal and 580 on math on the SAT and 23 english and 24 math on the ACT. so what are my chances?</p>

<p>Also do they notify you if you get rejected online? or does it just not say anything?</p>

<p>I’m a psych major and was accepted on March 30th, I think it was (2nd wave). I’m PRETTY sure that your major and your gpa have nothing to do with what wave you’re in. I was at Tech last week and sat down with an academic adviser who basically confirmed that they are short-staffed this year and that it just depends on when your particular admissions officer gets to your application, so don’t stress, it’s only a matter of time! </p>

<p>My gpa is lower than yours (3.2, 4.0+ in HS) so I’m sure you’ll be fine :slight_smile: Also, they can evaluate your app without your HS transcript, so it doesn’t matter that they got it so late.</p>

<p>I’ve heard you don’t get notified if you’re rejected, you just get a letter in the mail.</p>

<p>vtpysch - I’m also at GMU and turned my application in around the same time. I have a 3.81 and I’m applying to Pamplin…still haven’t heard anything back yet</p>

<p>Is anyone elses application page not loading? When i go to vt admissions to get to the application status page its just blank</p>

<p>Mine did that for a day. I checked it a few hours ago and it was back to normal. I think that it’s just a case of too many people flooding the site to check for their bird.</p>

<p>Okay ill keep checking! Haha yeah youre probably right. Everyone is getting anxious</p>

<p>thanks foreigngrounds! I haven’t gotten a rejection letter in the mail so i hope you’re right! is pysch a populat major at VT?</p>

<p>Any communication majors been accepted yet?</p>

<p>Vtpsych: My friend here at Radford applied as a psych major and got in last week with only a 3.1 or 3.2, your fine!</p>

<p>I always spell pysch wrong -___- sorry lol</p>

<p>Im a communications major and i havent gotten anything :/</p>

<p>im a 2nd semester freshman at JMU. i had a 3.5 last semester and submitted everything by like early february. im trying to do engineering but im starting to lose hope…still havent gotten the bird…anyone know when i should officially give up? like by the end of this week if i dont get a bird should i just forget about tech?</p>