Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Oh okay, yeah that’s what mine looks like too. I emailed the same lady asking about my midterms just to double check</p>

<p>yeah i havent got the hokie bird either :frowning: My stats are a 4.0 gpa, ncaa athlete, and in an honors college right now. I finished my app the end of January, i really hope i hear back soon… im getting sad and antsy.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the typical gap requirement is to get into the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences?</p>

<p>is it bad if they don’t ask for your midterm grades?</p>

<p>vtpysch93, no, it’s not bad. Don’t worry. Most of us that needed to send them in sent them because we were just starting our first semester at a new college, usually a CC.</p>

<p>oh ok thanks!</p>

<p>I started my first semester at community college (now currently finishing up my 2nd semester) and they didn’t ask me for my midterm grades, I’m getting nervous that’s a bad sign?? :/</p>

<p>No, because you’ve been there for a full school year in a few weeks. I literally just transferred temporarily to a CC in January. I’m finishing my first semester, so I had too. You are in the clear.</p>

<p>To those of you who have been accepted/have the Hokie Bird, do your transfer credits show up already? </p>

<p>It’s been about 2 weeks since I got accepted/paid the enrollment fee, a month since I got the bird and over a month and a half since they received my transcripts and still can’t see the credits :/</p>

<p>Foreigngrounds, I was literally logging on right now to ask the same question. I’m in thet same boat as you :confused: </p>

<p>I really want to see which credits of mine will transfer and which will not. ughh</p>

<p>Yep, and I’m dealing with an adviser to pick my courses at the end of April and don’t know what will or won’t transfer :/</p>

<p>I’ve seen a few people on here who already have em so I wonder why we don’t. Maybe I’ll give the registrar office a call</p>

<p>I emailed yesterday to ask if my application had been looked at. They said it had. Did anyone else do this and how long did it take the bird to show up after asking/calling?
Anyone think there might be a wave today?</p>

<p>Foreigngrounds, you’re meeting with an advisor from Tech to help you fill out your classes for next semester?</p>

<p>Ok so I talked with a lady named Jane Todd, she is the head of admissions I think. Anyway, good news, getting a D in a course does NOT guarantee the admission being rescinded, they look at everyone case by case and if it is not a course that is important for admission(mine isn’t thankfully) then it does not hurt the applicant. She did stress that I should work for a C but it is not 100% that you will get revoked getting a D, implying everyone with a C or so are good and need not worry. </p>

<p>Hope that clears everything up.</p>

<p>Foreign grounds and vttransfer: on the tech website there is a credit transfer thing where you put in your school and then the class and they tell you of it transfer to tech ad if so what it transfers as. You have to do all of your classes individually but I base my class choices this semester on what would transfer to tech because I had a class last semester that it says they “don’t have an equivalent class”. But you might already know all of that lol</p>

<p>So I emailed the transfer credits email on the link and they said this about the credit.</p>

<p>The process for evaluating awarding credits from 4 year institutions and evaluating and awarding transfer credits from the VCCS are done individually. This time of year, it can take well beyond 30 days for transcripts to be evaluated and credit awarded. We will work to have all transfer credit awarded before summer orientation in June.</p>

<p>It seems we have to wait a while for transfer credits</p>

<p>@VTtransfer, i met with him last week when I was in bburg (I’m from Puerto Rico) and since I won’t be able to attend orientation ($700 plane tickets for one day…), he and I will work on my particular case starting late April and over the summer.</p>

<p>The Transfer Equivalency Database has a lot of courses listed, but idk I was told sometimes they reviewed them if they were over 5 years old, so I just wanna have it all set in stone lol xD</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing this with us. I appreciate it. Unfortunately i am having trouble with a course that is important for my major and it might affect the admission if i get a ‘C’ then. I still have a chance to get a ‘B’ so i guess i need to work hard for it. </p>

<p>Just to let you know some info about the ENGE 1104/1114 class that nova doesn’t offer but we need it before taking other major courses. I am planning to take classes at nova in summer. So if i would have to move to Tech in summer, that would kinda ruin my plans. So i emailed the director of academic support services and this is what she emailed back:</p>

<p>“You can take ENGE 1104 here in the fall, and will likely be allowed to take one or two ECE courses along with other required courses for your major, so it’s fine to continue with the courses you’d planned for NVCC this summer. NOTE: GCC’s EGR 110 does NOT transfer as ENGE 1104, but as ENGE 1114, which is NOT the course you need for CPE, so I would NOT recommend you take their course this summer.” (as i asked her if Germanna CC’s EGR 110 would be equivalent to ENGE 1104/1114).</p>

<p>You see, even if you get a C and even it is a required course, your admission will NOT be rescinded. That is what she said. So for that you don’t need to worry anymore. </p>

<p>Also, I have the same problem regarding the courses, for ENGE 1024 I took EGR120 and that is an equivalent but mothing for ENGE 1104/1114. So I am also going to have to take ENGE 1104/1114 in the fall as I will be taking 3 courses in summer at NOVA. </p>

<p>This is what the lady in the email sent me regarding ENGE 1104/1114
“You would need to take it this fall; it is a pre-requisite to nearly all in-major courses.”</p>

<p>I am majoring in EE.</p>

<p>Hokieeee birdddd :)</p>