Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>MominHaq, thank you so much for sharing that very very useful information! That is terrific news. I was already worried about getting rescinded for a ‘C-’ so I told myself I need to work and work and work to get a ‘C’ and then I saw on my acceptance letter that it said they might rescind for getting a ‘C’. That takes a little pressure off of me. I hope it does for the rest of you who are worrying.</p>

<p>And Chelsea, thanks for the help. I’ve seen that page before and have evaluated my credits on that website and most of them will transfer but none of that is guarantee. They say it’s a case-by-case basis so nothing is set in stone until they say it is set. But thank you!</p>

<p>@ DeFrockedx, I’m almost positive you are going to be fine as long as you get that ‘C’ in that course. Did a counselor tell you that you have to get better than a ‘C’ in that course?</p>

<p>@VTtransfer7 I am kind of confused now. I keep hearing different stories about this ‘C’ grade. One of my friend was told that a ‘C’ may potentially cause a revocation if it’s an important course. Another friend was told that we should be ok with ONE ‘C’.
So i called there today and at first the staff told me that getting a ‘C’ will not revoke the admission. But then i explained that the “Director’s letter” and “Final Transcript sheet” state different policies about the ‘C’ grade. Then I was asked for my major and other stats (transfer, credits etc). I was put on hold and then advised to email the assistant director of undergraduate admission.</p>

<p>congrats chelsea!!! still waiting on mine :confused: hahah</p>

<p>I’m so, so, so, sooooo nervous.</p>

<p>Same here! (to those of you who haven’t gotten any bird or no sign of anything)</p>

<p>Ah! I just want to know already!</p>

<p>Can I ask what your GPA is?</p>

<p>Congratzzz Chelsea… Best of Luck to everyone else… :)</p>

<p>Congrats to all the new Hokies!! Good luck to everyone else waiting!</p>

<p>DeFrockedX, believe me when I tell you that I have been absolutely freaking out about the ‘C’ situation. But, as my friends and family have been talking to me more and more, while trying to calm me down about the situation, I feel like there is NO WAY that they rescind because of a ‘C’ or even a couple of ‘Cs’. If you get below a ‘C’ then maybe, just because you don’t get the credit if you get lower than a C. </p>

<p>But I have a 3.4 GPA and i’ve seen several business majors get in with 3.1’s and even if I get the 2 C’s that I’m worried about, I’ll still muster a 3.0 this semester which will drop by cumulative GPA to a 3.3. I just feel like there is absolutely no way they will rescind for that. If they do, then it is absolutely ridiculous for rescinding for something that is so arbitrary.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how competitive the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is? Thanks!</p>


<p>Do you guys have any financial aid offer as well on your application page?</p>

<p>@VTtransfer7 yeah i hope you are right. I have stopped worrying about it. I just wanted to know their actual outlook on this matter. I’ll have over 3.75 cumulative gpa even after getting a ‘C’ in a 5 credits class. So hopefully that will be considered acceptable. Also after i calculated all my exam, assignments score its highly possible to get a ‘B’. So i think i’ll be alright. </p>

<p>@Nancelica Congrats.
I haven’t got any financial aid offer yet. The financial offers are sent by mail once a week. This week’s offers are already sent as i was told. So maybe you will get yours in next week.</p>

<p>Thank you guys!!! Good luck to everyone :slight_smile: I’m sure it the birds will come next week!!</p>

<p>Got my Bird on Thursday and was Accepted last night ! It was quick compared to the time it took for the hokie bird to pop up. But how do i know if i was accepted to my major or not? It just gave me the option to Accept or decline the offer of admisson by paying the $400 deposit</p>

<p>Congratulations. As for the major, for me I listed Electrical Engineering as my major but admission is for General Engineering. So I will choose my exact major when I attend orientation probably. </p>

<p>Acceptance means you were accepted in the general dvision of your major.</p>

<p>Congrats, I also got accepted last night but had like a 2 week wait from hokie bird.</p>

<p>I was wondering how long can you wait before accepting the acceptance?</p>

<p>@ Marylander-</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you can/can’t look at on HokieSpa since I’m not a transfer, but a possibility is Hokiespa—> Hokiespa------>View Your General Student Information------> Curriculum Information, which has your major listed (although I’m not sure this information is available prior to starting in the fall).</p>

<p>Another option is Hokiespa—> Hokiespa------>Transcripts and Certifications Menu------> Unofficial Transcripts.</p>

<p>Like MominHaq said, for engineering you would only be listed as GenE. I know for most (if not all) LibArts majors they are listed as the major you applied for.</p>

<p>Play around on Hokiespa if you haven’t already done so- many times it will have information that is never explicitly given/emailed to you.</p>

<p>Oh, well now that I re-read your post I also see that you haven’t paid the $400 yet…I don’t know if you’ll have access to any of those pages until you do pay.</p>

<p>Speddy93, transfers have until June 1st to accept!</p>

<p>@JennyK13 - I had a 3.4 my first semester, though after this semester it might be a 3.1. What about you?</p>