Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>JMUgirl, if they ask you for your midterm grades and you have like all A’s and B’s that’s a good sign. If your midterm grades were like C’s and D’s… well, I think your chances would go down a lot. </p>

<p>They asked me for my Calc midterm grade, I sent them an email saying I had an A in the class and then two days later I got the hokie bird.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>@vega0926x Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. But didn’t you have great stats? Are you a freshman? I really am so sorry. :(</p>

<p>@JennyK13 I’m sure God has planned something bigger for me! I was some what confident that I would get in but I guess not. I mean I heard Interior Design program was really hard and competitive because its under architectural program. I had GPA of 3.74 with i think 48 credits??? at community college. Well, I wish you the luck JennyK13! I hope you get a hokie bird soon :)</p>

<p>@vega0926x dang that sucks! Your gpa was up there too I think that counts me out as well…applications for spring 2013 are right around the corner though. Did they send you a actual letter in the mail?</p>

<p>i’m really sorry vega0926 but i most definitely agree with you…God fersure must have a different plan for you and for everyone else who doesn’t get in…hang in there!</p>

<p>and patriotsrule98 the admissions person who emailed me said i had to have a 3.0 or above to stay competitive and i did…even though i had three A’s and two C’s…one of which was a C+ so maybe that was my downfall but who knows</p>

<p>sorry vega 0926 :frowning: was it in the mail or email?</p>

<p>vega0926: I am sorry to know that you didn’t make it, but I admire your attitude on the situation and commend you on it. I wish I had an attitude like that.</p>

<p>thanks everyone! It would’ve been super nice if we all got to meet each other at virginia tech campus this fall though :wink: </p>

<p>and yes. I received it in the mail. </p>

<p>[Thank you for your application for admission to Virginia Tech. Members of the Admission COmmittee have carefully reviewed your application and we regret that we are unable to extend you an offer of admission. This decision is not a dismissal of your academic ability or promise, but it is a reflection of the keen competition among the applicants for the limited space avalible. In reviweing your application, the committe condsidered your entire academic record, including course selection and performance, as well as other supporting material that may have been included. ]</p>

<p>I think today might be our last shot…from what I read last year, I don’t think anyone gets accepted without having the hokie bird before receiving their decision.</p>

<p>someone posted on here earlier saying people didn’t hear back til the 29th or 30th one year and got accepted. hopefully thats the case</p>

<p>Don’t you think they’ll hold this last wave up until the 1st?</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s true. I am waiting too but they may have heard back on the 29th or 30th but they probably got the hokie bird two days before like 26th or 27th. I believe if you don’t get a hokie bird soon indicating your transfer credit evaluation within the next 3 days or so it’s most likely you’re not in.</p>

<p>I found out the 24th, I got rejected as well. But, as I started to think about it Virginia Tech isn’t really the school for me. I applied to GMU and I am hopeful I will get in and have a great time there. Everything happens for a reason! Good luck to the rest of you!</p>

<p>What seriously kelc??! I am sorry. That blows :frowning: Well I hope you get into GMU just for your sake! Thank you.</p>

<p>i go to GMU right now and its not bad at all. The academics are good and the basketball team is alright. Theres some greek life but not huge. The food is okay. haha</p>

<p>by the way did you find out online or in the mail first?</p>

<p>Just emailed admissions and my file had already been reviewed…I didn’t get a hokie bird so I got denied. I had a 3.81 at GMU and 1320/1600 SAT’s. I am honestly pretty surprised but that’s the way things go sometimes</p>

<p>Do you know that FOR SURE? Have you gotten a letter? I’m pretty sure they are just saving us all until May 1st.</p>

<p>They said my file’s been reviewed too and I haven’t gotten a bird yet. My optimism is draining again. All these great GPA’s are getting rejected :/</p>

<p>I mean technically I don’t know for sure, but if my file had been reviewed and accepted, then a bird would have appeared on my page. You win some you lose some. Good luck to everyone else!</p>