Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

We have the same situation with NC schools where it is far easier to get into NCSU and UNC as transfer students from community college than as a high school senior (especially from Charlotte or the Triangle). It does make it a challenge as we have drilled into our children that the OOS schools don’t offer an education that is 2x better (cost difference) than the in state ones, yet you get admitted to the OOS ones you apply to and are deferred/waitlisted for the in state ones (at least in our case).

Appreciate everyone listening. She will end up where she will be successful for sure, same for all our kids. Life lessons, as we have discussed. I still love Virginia Tech.


It is truly frustrating, this entire college admission process. There’s no rhyme or reason. I’m so sorry for the disappointment. Vent away! I hope your daughter gets into VT! Good luck to her!

My son also got accepted to Penn State but for Computer Science in their engineering school. Did your daughter get much in terms of merit? My son got $0 merit from Penn State, only the loans! Kinda hard to swallow that $55K+ sticker price! We are OOS for Penn State, instate for VA.

How will VT pull names out of their waitlist bucket then if unranked? I get the # males not accepting offer = getting same # males off waitlist from say, the engineering school, but I wondering how VT will decide who from that bucket of males in engineering would they pick to fill those open spots?

My son was waitlisted as well (NoVA as well!) for EA engineering. It’s very disappointing! Yes, to that life lesson. My son accepted a place on the waitlist but has moved on. For us Pitt is a contender! Penn State didn’t give us any merit, just loans! Did your son get merit from Penn State? I wish your son best wishes! He will land where he’s meant to be!

Oh about the VT waitlist - would you know by any chance how our kids will be notified? Email? Portal check? A phone call?

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Yes, my son emailed VT admissions last night, and VT admissions replied to his email.


Go back to his portal and click on that button that says “Your Response.” It should take you to a page showing and confirming his selection (Yes, I would like to remain on the waitlist) with the above header in green with a stamped date of when he replied to the waitlist offer.


We are in a situation where we will ultimately be charged in-state rates because of our Post 9-11 GI bill. So thankfully, financially we have no barriers.

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Yes, us too. NOVA, and disappointed. Plus a little surprised, DS is IS, Eagle Scout, and has a 4.3w with 1400 SAT (one take), tons of APs with 4s and 5s. He applied to engineering and was waitlisted.
UMASS Amherst is the current top contender with 14k merit. He applied on a whim as it’s dad’s school, and he is up there right at their open house event. It’s crazy that we have to send well-qualified kids out of state for engineering.

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That is awesome!!! Penn State is a great school! Good luck to your daughter!!

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Congrats on UMASS Amherst! Great school! Yes, I agree, it’s crazy that our well qualified kids are getting into OOS schools and not to our instate schools. It appears that these state schools are after OOS applicants and it’s unfortunate they are not taking care of their own instate applicants.


My DS has the same stats as yours, just didn’t submit SAT scores since it was optional and he only took it once. We are in state too and had hope of getting in for Engineering.

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By the same criteria on which they made the cut for initial acceptance/waitlist/denial.

A criteria that seems random…sigh…

The frustration is understandable - and I’m not making excuses for VT - but it seems random because they haven’t told us what their algorithm is. Most schools don’t - so when our kids get in “the algorithm works perfect” and when they don’t “the algorithm is broken/random”. We continue to spout off SAT scores when VT admits that they give little/no consideration to them.

My DS went on the waitlist but mentally moved on. We’re waiting on a couple more decisions and already has a couple that either of which will be a great fit. Ultimately all the kids will find their place - even if its not VT.


In the exact same position- Eagle Scout, founded own business in 8th grade, on and on. In state, in NoVa and on one of top HS in state. Not one kid that we know got in and and all waitlisted. Seems off.


I looked at last year’s thread and they get emails.

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Ditto for my son except a 1510 SAT. Lots of ECs in addition to Eagle Scout. In Phys 2 and Calc BC. So crazy. Got into GT, NEU, NCSU and others OOS, but not VT IS. He did get into e-school at UVA so that’s where he’ll probably end up. Good luck to yours’


That’s crazy he got waitlisted at VT and got into UVA! Congrats on UVA!!


We were prepared for crazy, but he was leaning towards VT so it stung a bit after being 6/6 on all the others.