Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

I used to think that but know of 3 kids accepted off the waitlist in the past two years at Georgia Tech within 48 hours of contacting admissions. We followed the rules and no such luck. I agree it could cut both ways for sure


In the last hour or so, Virginia Tech just updated their 2022-2023 Common Data Set to correct the incorrect waitlist information from last year.

New data:

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 13,311
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 7,587 57% accepted a place
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 2,458 32% were later admitted.

Ha! Wonder if they’re monitoring this board! :slight_smile:

Those numbers seem much more consistent. I do find it interesting that ~5K don’t accept the offer of the waitlist. It doesn’t cost anything ($$ or effort) to stay on it.

So 2,458 were admitted (offered acceptance) and ~600 (from other table) accepted the offer.


We called Admissions who confirmed they are still working on the problem with portals that have the incorrect Non Degree Agricultural heading. She also said students accepting a spot on the waitlist do not receive emails confirming their selection; they just see it in the portal. She was still nice enough to look up my son’s name to assure him his selection was registered. Lastly, she said waitlist pulls definitely won’t occur before Regular Decision decisions go out and that usually they start waitlist pulls if needed in April when they have a better sense of numbers.


I really hope kids don’t do this if they have already committed elsewhere. Anyone accepting a spot “just to see if I get in” could be delaying acceptances to other kids who are waiting since waitlist pulls are done in batches.


So for my DS, both parents having masters degrees is working against him? :sob:

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So looking at the last 2 years data if you go on the waitlist you have a 30-35% chance of getting an acceptance. Not HUGE chances but a lot better than some other schools that consistently create a WL and admit 0.


Yes - but that’s the case with A LOT of schools that give a point or two towards first generation. The fact that you both have masters also, generally, goes along with higher incomes and probably in a wealthier town/county going to a better school - etc etc.

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@Va2Mom Thank you got this information!

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@Mashinations I completely see your point and not arguing at all! That’s just a generalization. In my case, single mom who is an educator (everyone knows what teachers make) and dad contributes zero.

No worries - wasn’t trying to argue - my comment was completely general by nature, which is how the university is going to view most applications. I’ve seen numbers that the person reading application only spends 10-15 minutes per application.

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Agree. Those sound like very good odds for a waitlist.

So we get Agricultural page after hitting submit, and then when we go back to prior page OR go back into portal to check, its the same form with checks already there. Does this mean its been submitted? So confusing bc no confirmation anywhere that he is on waitlist.

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This is what my son’s page looks like and VT admissions confirmed his response went through when we called to make sure. You’d think they’d have one more line that says- “Your acceptance on the waitlist is confirmed” or something to that effect.


This is what my daughters says. But now there is a second question “I have read and understand the waitlist frequently asked questions provided here.”

The second question showed up after I asked admissions if declaring a focus rather than a General Business major would make a difference.

Don’t email admissions and ask something in the FAQ. Im afraid they are flagging applicants.


@davidsonb I can’t imagine that question was added to your daughter’s portal only after you asked a question. It would be pretty harsh of VT to flag a candidate for that. Perhaps someone on here can confirm if it was asked when their child accepted a place on the waitlist. I wish I could confirm it for you but I asked my son and he doesn’t recall (at the time he was too freaked out about the Non Degree/Agricultural heading on his page).

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When decisions came out DS and I went online and selected the box to be put on the waitlist. There was no “check box to validate having read FAQ” at that time.

I went back in this morning after having read the comments here and there was an additional box to check/save - which I did.

I can’t imagine anyone is going to be penalized for checking the first box and not the second - particularly if it shows the date submitted as being before they added the FAQ.

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DS accepted his spot last night. It had the checkbox that you referred to (and we had not contacted admissions for anything). He also got the agriculture screen after accepting it. He is in the same boat as many of your kids—high gpa, 11 AP + de, multiple sports and ECs.

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Thanks all. Makes me feel a little better. :wink:


Mine just accepted the waitlist and had to also click the question about the faq’s. After, he could verify his response in the portal.