Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

My DS accepted a spot on the waitlist on 2/17. Should he be going back to accept the FAQ?

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Hi there - no, there is no need to go back. Although the FAQs were available as a link on the form, applicants were missing them so we wanted to ensure they saw them before submitting their response. Please let us know what other questions you may have.


Thank you for this information!

Not everyone wants to wait. My older daughter was offered the wait list but had already been accepted at her # 1 and was offended to be out on the wait list! So she declined.

But it sounds like your older daughter would have declined an admissions offer as well… less about waiting and more about it not being her top choice (or top 2-3)?

So VT using the WL to weed out kids that weren’t seriously considering VT (or using as a safety that now not needed).

Hi, I’m confused. Should we update SRAR to reflect first semester grades? Not even sure you can do that. Thanks.

If you come off of WL are you in bad shape for housing? Son will commit to UVA for engineering, but was still going to consider VT if he comes off WL. If he will get crappy housing and not be able to room with friends that got admitted that will make it less attractive.

I don’t know exactly, but on the housing page (First-Year Students | Housing Services | Virginia Tech) they have this:

" Please do not wait to complete your contract in anticipation of a roommate being accepted to the university. You can complete your contract now in the StarRez Portal and return to the contract process to create a roommate group at a later time. If your friend has not been accepted or does not yet have a student ID/application ID number, you will not be able to make a roommate group with them until they have done so. Click here for instructions on creating a roommate group in the StarRez Portal."

This indicates to me that you can form roommate groups later with kids who are accepted now.

Definitely apply to the LLC’s. If VT is his first choice I think there’s a very good chance he comes off the waitlist (it still seems weird that he was waitlisted in the first place).


Thanks! We don’t really know whether VT or UVA is first choice as he was planning on doing both admitted students days and deciding. Since he can’t do VT one, and he’ll only have a week or so to decide if he does come off waitlist, then we are going to the Open House for juniors in March.

With that said, the question was prompted as he’s not sure “it is worth the hassle” with the housing stuff and being behind in that process and not being able to room with friends. UVA is much more civilized (lol) in the housing realm and doesn’t even open up until much later so you don’t have to rush.

I’m going to still try and get him to go to open house so he’s at least making a fact based decision if he does get in and doesn’t feel like he settled and have regrets.

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Awesome… good luck! Not bad to have UVA as a backup… lol.

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They have so many spots in each major to offer. They balance those by IS/ OOS, Academics/ essay answers that reflect activities involving community building/ team work and alignment with “that I may serve” motto, test scores, diversity

In addition- they have to balance out beds- so many male beds/ female beds and then balance in Corp of cadet beds and build a Corp with diverse majors (VTCC is around 300 freshmen spots)

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Not sure how Virginia Tech works but most schools wait for roommate selection until June or so after admissions decisions are made and waitlist offers come out. You may have priority if you sign up earlier, but if you have a roommate group you just use the persons priority who has the highest number. You can form a roommate group with anyone who has been admitted at any time as long as they are admitted before room selection. Virginia Tech seems to take a huge number off the waitlist, unlike UVA, so my guess is your child gets in before the May 1 deadline.


I think my D picked in early June (actually her roommate picked and pulled her in because my D had a low pick).

He can definitely form a roommate group while waiting to hear if he comes off the waitlist. While waiting to hear from all her colleges, my daughter was looking for potential roommates at several of the colleges she had already been accepted at. As long as they are honest about not having made the final decision yet.

Rooming with friends is a great option, but college can also be a great place to come out of one’s comfort zone and maybe choose a roommate that they don’t already know. He can always try to get into the same dorm (or on the same floor) as his friends. When he goes to pick, he’ll be able to see rooms in all the dorms that are available, so he could try to get as close to where his friends are as possible.

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Looking at the thread from last year they didn’t “close out” the waitlist until 7/1. My DS is staying on the waitlist for VT but every day it goes past 5/1 the chances of a pivot to VT if offered a spot off the WL becomes less and less.

My guess is that they won’t start to dip into WL until they start to get significant numbers of admission decline’s.

FWIW - we visited both VT and UVA. Depending on what program your DS is looking at and what the economics are for both - if roughly equivalent I’d be steering my kid to UVA. Very similar vibes between the campuses and students but having all that Charlottesville has to offer over greater Blacksburg. One parents $0.02


We do not use first-semester or mid-year grades in our review process.


Does anyone know how many students were waitlisted?

Here is what happened. Your DD is from magnet. She was the middle of the Magnet pack. All top schools scooped top kids from magnets and the rest got rejected or waitlisted. My DD had similar experience but got luckier, she was waitlisted and then accepted to two top schools. She came in fall of application year and told me that 30 kids from her magnet (out of 50) applied to GaTech and to UMich, the colleges accepted one kid each from magnet and put the rest 29 on waiting list. This is the story year after year for DMV kids from magnets who worked so hard in crazy difficult magnet programs. (There was so many friends with exactly similar outcome year after year behind DD.) Nobody educated or warned magnet parents or kids. These kids compete against each other for colleges. They would have better chance by not attending magnets. Colleges cannot take only magnet kids, they have to pull from many places in the state. My heart goes to your DD. She did not do anything wrong. My advice (I know it stinks) if she will not get acceptance from waitlist, go to local CC. She probably has enough credits to transfer in one semester to VTech. Just do it and forget about this nightmare. I am very sorry, but this is not the end of the world. Hugs.
P.S. contact admission conselor with a letter of interest. If she has top admissions to ANY schools (they maybe not affordable but VTech does not know it), she should tell that she got excellent options such and such, but wants to stay in VA and VTech is her top interest. This is what we did to get off waitlist.

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Sorry - but your explanation makes no sense. So if you’re valedictorian of a Magnet you get into all the schools and anyone below you gets into none? My DS goes to a OOS public high school and knows 2 kids (not at top of class but probably top 10%) that got into VT.

This is going to come off harsh but so not meant to - the OP’s daughter has a 1500SAT and a 4.2 GPA (I assume this is weighted). That’s not close to numbers needed for MIT or GT. On the bubble for UVA depending on extracurriculars and stuff. I’m a little surprised waitlisted at VT but could depend on the program or how good the VT essays were (which they apparently weigh pretty heavily). I don’t know anything about Texas A&M so can’t comment there.

Why not attend GT? That’s top four engineering?

@School_MoM1 Someone asked how many were waitlisted on one of VT’s social media posts (I think it was Instagram), and they said they don’t release stats until after the admissions cycle is over. So all we have to go on are the numbers released from past years which of course will vary from year to year. Last year as someone posted above, they waitlisted 13,311 applicants, 7587 accepted a spot on the list, and 2458 enrolled.

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