Virginia Tech Freshmen 2018 - Waitlist

I got in for neuroscience

total shocker-- our DS got in off waitlist today. Corps of Cadets. We had already put deposit elsewhere and reallythought VT was off the table.

Update - my DS was offered admission last night to Engineering. He has until May 1 to decide. He had been given his second choice for admission, they updated it to First Choice.
Now he had to decide between UVA Engineering and Va Tech. He was 90% going to UVA, now not so sure.

Daughter just received a notice that she is accepted. Already paid a deposit and her mind has been focused elsewhere. It’s her decision though and we’ll support what she wants. Happy for her no matter what.

Started to pull last night…

Hey guys-if I could ask-what were your stats and what is your major? DD desperately wants in as her sister is a junior there. I don’t want to harass her to look-did you get an email first or did you just go to Va Tech site? Thanks so much and a huge congratulations to all of you. :slight_smile:

1380 -660 math
3.7 GPA
7 AP Classes

-I got an email telling me I had gotten off the waitlist and was in. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for your reply. Congratulations!!

Did anyone accepted off of the waitlist receive any FAFSA information Yet? All it says on my status page is “Financial aid awards for those students who have been offered admission and have completed a 2018-19 FAFSA will be available on March 12, 2018.” ???

@OrangeFan33 I was accepted off the waitlist and it says the same thing ab Financial aid. Pretty frustrating considering I have days to decide and not recieving any aid would be a dealbreaker. Probably will call up the school to ask about this.

Sent an email to Admissions and received a response that financial aid should be updated by the end of Monday for students offered admission from the waitlist.

D - VA resident, ACT 29; UW GPA - 3.7; full IB; has 2 AP; not sure what college she wanted - may have put university studies.

@rubykgs DS is 4.3 GPA, 35 ACT, about 12 AP and Post-AP classes (he is a TJ kid if you are from NOVA).

My son was accepted off the waitlist for Eng on April 26…1340 SAT, 3.42 UW, 4.25 W…completely surprised, have already put a deposit down at another school. One more slot will be available…unfortunate since VT was originally his first choice.

@Dad0903 Has your son made a decision between UVA and VT engineering? I had a kid at each. Both great choices.

My son received notification on 4/26 that he was accepted of off waitlist for engineering. And he is accepting!

@sevmom Thanks for asking. He decided on Va Tech Engineering, Honors College. He may still pivot to CMDA/BIT double major. We have another Hokie!! Going to be jumping to Sandman again!! (mom and dad are Hokies).

General note - Admissions offers were reduced from 70% in 2017 to 54% in 2018 to control a surge in demand from top students. HUGE increase in competition for slots. Plus, most of that reduction was in Engineering…so, anyone applying Engineering this year had a massively more competitive landscape. However, I’m betting they are going to need to go deep in to the Waitlist. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet…

Great choice, @Dad0903 ! And cool that he will be a Hokie like his parents. Hope he (and you) have a wonderful four years in Blacksburg!

Declining offer after seeing aid package. OOS with $3k off the tuition is too far from other private and OOS options for me. Bummed for sure. Thanks anyway Tech. I’m at least happy that someone else will get my spot. Heading to RIT …