Virginia Tech Freshmen 2018 - Waitlist

Mine changed too. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Good luck to you all. Hoping it’s a good sign. [-O<

My son’s now says waitlist again.

@mommax03 Mine is back to waitlist again as well…

Yep, my son’s is back to the way it was previously (i.e. waitlist).

People who are getting pulled off the waitlist: how are you getting notified? Email? Phone? Letter? And how much time are you given to make a decision? Thanks.

@blueskies33 I was emailed and then sent a letter of admission and then it was on the portal. I got mine mid April and I had until May 7th to accept my offer. I’m a neuroscience major as well and oos

Received an email earlier stating that the application process has closed. Looks like they are not taking anyone else off the waitlist. :frowning:

There are no scholarships for freshman engineers at Virginia Tech. Scholarships are by department. Once you declare a discipline, there are departmental scholarships available.

@Gudmom The Davenport Scholarship is for incoming engineering students at VT. It’s the only one I know of.