Virginia Tech RD chances

Applying to Math major. NOVA. Hispanic male.

GPA (W, UW):
Freshman - 3.3, 3.3
Sophomore - 3.3, 3.3
Junior - 3.95, 3.8
Senior - 4.88, 4.1 (First semester)

1460 new SAT - 750 Math, 710 Reading and Writing

AP (6 APs, 3 Honors, 1 DE):
Freshman - 1 Honors
Sophomore - 2 Honors
Junior - 2 APs, 1 Honors (AP Lang: A-, AP Comp Sci: A, Spanish Fluent Speakers 3: B (highest grade in the class)).
Senior - 4 APs, 1 DE (AP Calc: A, AP Spanish: A+, AP Econ: A, AP Stats: A-, DE The English @ NOVA: A). These are only my 1st quarter grades, but so far that’s what my grades will look like by the time my school sends 1st semester grades.

Cross Country 3 years
Track 4 years
Basketball 1 year
Job as interior construction with uncle over the summer

Note: my school doesn’t include senior year grades in the GPA, but I heard that colleges just recalculate GPA themselves, and I sent a copy of my 1st quarter grades with my transcript just in case. VT will still receive my 1st semester grades around mid January. VT received also received everything December 1st.

Hey! By the looks of your stats, you’re a very strong applicant for tech, and your EC’s look awesome! Keep up with good grades and your sports outside of school and you should be fine :slight_smile: oh and also try to take advantage of those optional (but recommended) essays! They can really set you apart from other applicants. Good luck!

@collegegalz Thanks
