Virginia Tech Transfer 2013

<p>I just got accepted 30 minutes ago online. I can’t believe I am a hookie!!! :D</p>

<p>@CityBoii: check on your status page now. It should tell you your decision now.</p>

<p>Got accepted too! Good luck guys</p>

<p>Son’s a hokie too!!! CONGRATULATIONS, everyone! </p>

<p>@Vthokie12, yes, S sent SAT scores although not required. He did not send recs though.</p>

<p>All the people that got accepted so far are in CC’s because they get evaluated first right? I’m from a 4 year and sent my transcripts two days ago. How long does it take usually to process and show up?</p>

<p>The people who were informed there decision today were people who applied by the priority deadline and didn’t matter where u were coming from, 4 year or CC. If you just submitted your information recently they won’t let u know until May 1 most likely cause they don’t do roll over admissions.</p>

<p>@VThokie12 I did not send either although the SAT scores I submitted back in my senior year of high school were already uploaded on the website. </p>

<p>I took chem in fall and physics in spring to balance it out a bit but another friend that transferred with me from Mason took both in the spring and he made it out. Just find study groups and do the homework early! Also unless the curriculum has changed, VT doesn’t give credit for PHYS2305 (physics 1) as gmu doesn’t cover chapters 17-20. In order to receive credit you should either take it at NOVA before coming here in the fall, or they give you an option to study for and be tested on those 4 chapters in the form of the thermal module. You must complete the thermal module exam within 2 semesters of transferring. But if you want to take PHYS2306 (physics II) in the fall, then study for thermal in the summer and take the exam before fall begins, or just retake it at NOVA.</p>

<p>Question: Should AP scores be sent while the decision process is ongoing, or does it only matter once you’ve been accepted and want to get credit for them?</p>


<p>Did freshman year at major 4 year state university in Comp. Engr, a very difficult and highly acclaimed program for this school. Did not go well, B/C average. (Note: extraordinary circumstances which contributed to this, but were not the main reason, mentioned in m yapp). Chose to withdraw by will, still in good standing. Transferred to local CC, 3.7 GPA there so far and expecting that to raise further by the end of the semester. Currently enrolled in 18 credits, and will expect combined college GPA after this semester to be around 3.1. Applying to Pamplin, where I will have the vast majority of the first two years of my intended major already transferable. Essays should be solid, not overwhelming. 1520//2240 on the SAT, demanding high school curriculum with 3.7 WGPA, TONS of extracurricular achievements.</p>

<p>For those that applied, how long after you sent your transcripts did it take for it to show up on your app page? I mailed mine to the office of admissions about a week ago, but is there a faster way to send it to them electronically?</p>

<p>You can send unofficial transcripts through the email. But usually if you mailed them a week ago they should have received it now. It most likely won’t be processed and update on your account for another day or 2. You can call the admission office and ask them if they has received it but hasn’t been Processed yet</p>

<p>whats up people, just applied to VT tech yesterday night as a transfer. Currently at NVCC second semester freshman with a 4.0gpa first semester. What do you think my chances are at getting into the Pamplin College of Buisness (BIT major hopeful). Thanks</p>

<p>Pretty good depending on how many credits you completed and what classes you took. I am the same boat as you transferring from NVCc and completed the pre req. I got into the pamplin college of business 2 weeks ago. And was selected as a out of state when I am instate.</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer in November and on my application status it shows my college and high school transcripts were received in November. Does anyone know when I should hear back from them? I live in Texas (if that makes a difference). Last week I sent updated transcripts that show Fall and Winter 2012 grades.</p>

<p>If you had submitted your transcript and material in November. You should have heard back last Friday on the Priority Deadline date. You should check your application status and see if a decisions has been posted. If not then call the admission office on Monday and ask them if there’s a problem with your application.</p>

<p>I was wondering if any Radford kids have found out yet. I’m currently a Freshmen at Radford who applied to pamplin with a 3.75 first semester.
I took
-Micro Econ- A
-Business Calc-A
-History 1500-Present-A

  • Honors English 103- B

    I’m currently in
    Public Speaking
    English 102
    Biology 105
    Macro Economics…
    I also met with Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions and set up my second semester and discussed my future at tech. I got deferred from early decision last year and wait listed and never got in. I don’t have the Hokie Bird but am Crossing my fingers I get in…I also signed a lease in Hunters Ridge so worst case scenario I commute to Radford. Good luck to everyone and hope we all get in!</p>

<p>@csmith46 Hey I go to Radford, I got a 3.5, deans list last semester and I don’t have the hokie bird yet either. Nothing has happened to me they got all my stuff on january 7th so I’m hoping we get in!</p>

<p>@pball12 Yeah I had all my stuff in early too, I think its only community college kids finding out now…what college are you applying to inside of tech?</p>

<p>I’m just applying for political science, not a specific part of Tech, I’m just don’t like how Radford is all about the parties and basically that’s like the “only” entertainment hahaha plus Tech is my dream school!</p>

<p>@csmith46 I think you have a really good shot of getting in by the way, your GPA is really good and the courses you took apply to the program you want. good luck!!</p>

<p>same to you pball12, I was told that a 3.0 is all you need and both of us have way above that…and as far as Radford goes, Tech is my dream school and I was really disappointed when I had to go to Radford earlier this year but it has grown on me…I just don’t like the students here too they don’t care about academics whatsoever</p>

<p>@csmith46 I completely agree with you! I like the campus and everything but I overhear people talking about how they like went out instead of studying for a big test, i’m like uh well we are here for 1 main reason… hahaha but who do you have for sociology? I have McGlamery this semester.</p>