Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2016

applied in December

Can somebody make a facebook group… and if you do post the name of it on here.

Got into pamplin. Currently a freshman at a 4 yr school. I had a 4.0 during the first semester and sent in my midterm grades on March 2nd. I submitted my application a week before it was due, so I’m surprised they got back to me so fast.

I feel like it definitely is going by when you applied because I have a 3.8 and a pretty strong resume and I still haven’t heard back. Since I didn’t apply until early February, I contacted a girl to make sure my transcripts were processed. She said they were processed March 1st and it’s basically now a game of whenever they get to me in the pile of applications.

@Justspeed27 When did you apply??

I applied in December though, I have a 3.7 and made all their course requirements. Maybe it has to deal with what major you applied to.

I highly doubt that it’s going by the date you submitted your application. As stated above, I turned mine in a week before it was due (I think the 9th) and heard back yesterday.

Has anyone started their search for off campus housing? Someone should start a Facebook group up lol.

I think it does have to do with your major, not when you applied. I think if you applied by the deadline, each college within VT just groups the applications and then starts going through them. Also, I heard they sent acceptances in waves last year, so just because you didn’t get notified the first wave, it doesn’t mean you won’t get in.

@Ethio77 message me on here with your name and I’ll add you on Facebook and I’m gonna start a group chat!

Don’t worry! I believe they will notice you soon.
anyone knows when they notice us about financial aid or scholarships?
is there any facebook group yet?

@sherbertt I applied the last week I believe. However, I think it is going by which school you applied to because I haven’t seen anyone that has been accepted for engineering yet.

@Justspeed27 I applied Human Sciences, so we’ll see!!!

Any Engineering majors? Is it even possible to transfer into VT Engineering after 1 year? Have all the required courses and a 4.0 from a 4 year school.

I haven’t heard anything yet and I am applying for engineering. I have a 1.5 years and 3.9something (all A’s and one B). Transferring from a 2 year and really hope I get in because all the remaining courses that I need at the 2 year college is only offered during the spring semester so I would have to take a whole semester off :/.

Thanks Justspeed27 - looks like you have a very good change - good luck!

Thank you! You too! If you hear anything let me know. Also, if you see that someone got in for transferring to engineering, let me know. I will do the same. Best of luck to you!!!

So does anyone know when the next wave might be?

I’m a current freshman studying criminology in my second semester at Longwood University. I would like to transfer to tech for criminology. My gpa first semester was a 3.325. I have several questions pertaining to my application. I took a dual enrollment class in high school and I was wondering when they would need the transcript for that? (if that affected my application) I also wanted to know if everyone who got accepted already had been asked to send in their mid-semester grades? The last question I have is if anyone knows if the criminology program is hard to get into?

@hokiehopes I’m not sure about the first two questions, but I do know that the criminology program isn’t super challenging to get into. Because Fall 2015 was the first time the program was even available to students, they’re still working on growing it. In comparison to Tech’s prestigious Engeneering or Vet schools, the Human Sciences school is completely different because it is one of their smaller colleges as of now!

So I have an update after calling admissions… As for how they are doing waves of acceptances for transfers is kinda random compared to freshman.They just do it by stacks and the lady said they do it about twice a month. Then I talked to a director of admissions about a few questions that I had and I will post it here just in case some of you fall into this as well. First, I have not competed all of the minimum requirements (I only did one semester of English compared to the recommended two). However, I noted on the application that I planned on taking the second English over the summer prior to going to VT, if I get accepted. The director told me that isn’t a make or break issue. They just like to see that you have done some English.