<p>did anyone hear back yet?</p>
<p>I applied as a sophomore transfer, and my application has been complete since late February. I still haven’t heard anything back and my status page has not changed. I am getting very anxious!</p>
<p>Same, its really frustrating. I have been spending the last couple of weeks anxiously refreshing my page in case if it was updated.</p>
<p>I have yet to hear back…I heard some transfer applicants may hear back april 1? i’m not sure how accurate it is but at least its something</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Do you guys think I actually have a genuine shot? I had a 3.48 gpa my first semester with 15 credits and 6 classes from East Carolina University. I had a 3.2 in highschool but alot of EC’s and some honors classes. I applied as a biology major so I am not sure if it is as competitive as some other majors. It is so hard to tell because the internet really does not give much information on transfers </p>
<p>I just hate waiting…</p>
<p>I feel you marissad123…Good luck!
a 3.48 is very good for a first semester…i think anyone who has above a 3.4 has a legitmate shot.</p>
<p>But i know how you feel, it is easy to tell someone that they have a great shot to get in but it is never easy to tell yourself that…I honestly think you have a good shot, HS barely matters at this point so don’t worry about it</p>
<p>Do you guys think its easy to transfer in the psychology program at tech</p>
<p>Thanks paaquan! I definitely feel like you have great stats and have a great chance of getting in. I swear all these blogs have made me way more obsessed over this transferring thing than I need to be. I can’t stand waiting!!</p>
<p>Mphokie2014, I am probably not the best person to answer your question. But I doubt any of techs majors are “easy” to transfer into. Although I do think that it would be less competitive than majors like business, communications, and others like that. So psychology is probably a good major to apply for. </p>
<p>Hopefully we hear some kind of news relatively soon…</p>
<p>does anyone know if any engineer transfers have been admitted yet? I know I saw some others post about getting in with other majors already.</p>
<p>Ive already been accepted to GaTech (was not expecting that at all), so I think I should be a lock to get into VT, but Im getting kind of nervous now.</p>
<p>Yea this wait is killing me</p>
<p>what does everyone’s status page look like right now? mine still has the requirements section at the bottom but all are received, no status</p>
<p>Yea mine still looks like that, have you seen a hokie bird on yours because I was told if you see one then it is good news</p>
<p>nah not yet but ive heard that too</p>
<p>Mine’s the same. Does anyone know what will change after an admissions decision has been made? I’ve been checking mine all the time but I don’t even know what to look for.</p>
<p>you guys have everything marked as received? don’t you guys have a space blank for “Final UG College transcript” as well?</p>
<p>I got a hokiebird about a week ago, but still no notice as to if I got in or not.</p>
<p>I am applying for the engr school, I had a 3.3 in HS and am applying as a freshman from VCU. My first semester I got a 3.8.
Math SAT=690
<p>I hope we find out soon, has any engineering transfers found out yet?
Also, I still have a blank spot for Final UG College Transcript.</p>
<p>My status page looks the same. I have a space for “Final UG Transcripts” and there is no date there because I am pretty sure those are this semesters grades you have to send if you are admitted. Still no hokie bird or anything for me…</p>
<p>i emailed someone at admissions and they said the next batch of transfer letters are being sent april first and the final batch around the end of april</p>
<p>Yeah my status page still has nothing…I got a 3.79 GPA at GMU
I hate this wait omg</p>
<p>So I have a question.</p>
<p>For next weeks notification, do only people with the hokie bird on their status page get accepted, or could you still find out on April 1st if you don’t have it.</p>