Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>I dont think its just the people that have the hokie bird on their status page, because I know someone who got accepted as a transfer and only received the letter in the mail.</p>

<p>Ok I hope not, because I know last week my application was in the “review process.” So I’m really hoping that since it has been reviewed I will find out next week.</p>

<p>Wantstobeahokie, if you dont mind me asking…did your status page say that your application was in the review process? And when did you submit your application?</p>

<p>okay so i’m a freshman at RU trying to transfer into business management at tech.
1st semester GPA: 3.5 (with the classes that tech recommended me taking, most important being math 126)
high school 3.3. </p>

<p>anyone have any thoughts on my chances? i realize none of us know, but waiting is killing me haha</p>

<p>im also a freshman at RU haha I got a 4.0 first semester so i feel your pain.</p>

<p>My application was complete around January 24.</p>

<p>I found out because I called them and they told me it was in the review process.</p>

<p>Okay thank you!!!</p>

<p>I emailed the admissions office today and they told me that my application was under review but it was unlikely I would hear of my decision by the time the April 1 decisions are mailed…</p>

<p>This wait sucks…</p>

<p>To Marissad</p>

<p>That makes me wonder if I will know by April 1. When was your application complete?</p>

<p>My application was complete in late February so I would bet you have a better chance of hearing on April 1 than I do. The admissions office just said my application was under review and I am not sure how long the review process takes (hopefully not too long). I guess we just have to wait and see</p>

<p>i just called the admissions office and all they said was that my application was under review and that the next batch of admitted students will hear back april 1st…ugh good luck guys! My application was submitted in late january</p>

<p>Yea, it’s frustrating waiting, because I have an apartment lined up, but they will only hold it until April 1st. So I really do need to know. Thats why I’m stressed, housing just isn’t guaranteed.</p>

<p>Hopefully you find out by then! Not sure if this will help you but you can sign up for a transfer on-campus housing wait list online. It’s not ideal but it’s better than nothing. I signed up last night just in case.</p>

<p>Thanks paquaan, you too! I want my status page to change lol I check it so much.</p>

<p>wantstobeahokie - i’m in a similar situation for another school. i have an apartment on hold, and my landlady is letting me wait to sign a lease, but i have to submit a deposit by mid-april, and i won’t hear back until may 1 :frowning: potentially losing a few hundred bucks, ughh</p>

<p>brishe, See the thing I don’t understand is I already put a 300 dollar deposit on the place. I have the lease I just can’t sign yet. So I don’t get how they say they can give my place away if I already put the deposit down.</p>

<p>any day now… getting way too nervous!</p>

<p>hey guys can you post on this thread if you heard back on march 31/ april 1 cuz tech is suppossed to release some transfer admissions on one of those two dates</p>

<p>Don’t know if this will help anyone, but I applied to the College of Design - Landscape Architecture - and along with the regular application we were emailed a list of additional questions to answer. At the end of the e-mail it said, “Thank you for your response. Decisions for transfer students applying to a major in the school of design will be mailed to arrive by April 1, 2011.” </p>

<p>I think this only applies to the School of Design though. Also, where would the Hokie bird show up, if it’s suppose to…, on the status page?</p>

i see it on my status page! :smiley:
good sign?!?!</p>

<p>but takemehyome, the hokie bird is just there if it appears. you can’t really miss it</p>

<p>Congrats, thats a great sign. I on the other hand did not get one so I guess I will not be at tech this upcoming fall :(</p>

<p>mphokie, my friend attending the same 4 yr university also applied to tech, currently a freshman, and she says she didn’t get a bird this morning either so it’ll probably be any day now!</p>