<p>Don't forget to vote on tuesday. There is NOTHING else more important that you could be doing.</p>
<p>I was actually planning on washing my hair that day…sorry. Girl can’t go around lookin’ like a hag, right?</p>
<p>What items do you need to bring to the polling area? I’m guessing a license/some other form of ID, and the voter ID card?</p>
<p>Also, how long should you expect the lines to be?</p>
<p>ok, joking aside - what voter ID card?! I registered months ago and never got one. All I got was a thing in the mail telling me where to go to vote, that’s it. I was planning on just bringing my learner’s permit, is that enough? do I need more?</p>
<p>It’s basically something that you cut out from a letter that you get in the mail that confirmed your registration.</p>
<p>you don’t actually need your voter id card to vote, as long as you are registered where you are voting, you just show up with a picture ID and they’ll find your name on the list. However, your voter card is usually the thing that tells you where you are registered at, so that thing you got is probably it. It just looks like a postcard, really, at least here it does. the top part of it is the voter registration card.
Also, I’m not sure about specifics for other states but I’m certain you can go online and see where you are registered also to be sure of the address. For my state, it’s alabamavotes.gov. I’m sure other states have similar websites.</p>
<p>Edit: here is the website for california, and it just took a bit of google, so search for it for your state and you should find it as well.
[California</a> Secretary of State - Elections & Voter Information - Find Your Polling Place](<a href=“http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_ppl.htm]California”>http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_ppl.htm)</p>
<p>[Google</a> Maps](<a href=“http://maps.google.com/vote]Google”>http://maps.google.com/vote)</p>
<p>enter your address and you find your polling place. and if you can’t find it, it will give you state websites where you can find that info. google does it all.</p>
<p>" There is NOTHING else more important that you could be doing."
unless you live in a gerrymandered district in a one-party state…</p>
<p>Actually I’ll be procrastinating and sleeping in that day.</p>
<p>I voted early. :)</p>
Exactly, a girl’s always gotta look good. :)</p>
<p>hahah yep</p>
<p>I wish I’d voted early - not sure if you can do that in NY and I don’t know how</p>
<p>Will end up voting tuesday, I found the voter ID thing! it was attached to the registration sheets they sent me. thanks guys</p>
<p>gahhhh I’m so nervous about the election.</p>
<p>I already voted. <3</p>
<p>Hmmm, I wonder if some of your peers that are fighting in Iraq at this very moment think this is as funny as some of you do. Or those who have lost their homes, or lost their jobs or have lost their retirement savings or can’t afford health care.</p>
<p>Yuk it up now and see how you feel in four years when you are out of school and can’t find a job.</p>
<p>it will never be anything other than a one party state if people who support the other party never let their voice be heard.</p>
<p>I am not gonna waste my time voting. Im registered in D.C. and its goin Obama whether I show up to vote McCain or not.</p>
<p>…seriously dude, they’re KIDDING.</p>
<p>yeah bullwinkle, chill out. I made a joke sarcastically, then followed it up with a serious comment. We’re not mocking dead soldiers or laughing at poor people here. Guess what, I live in NY, it’s going over to Obama anyhow, I’m still voting. Because when/if he loses, I want to say I did my part.</p>
<p>I live in Massachusetts, but I’m voting with Texas that’s my permanent address. It won’t make a difference either, but I’m still voting Obama.</p>
<p>I’m voting Obama in a state that McCain is up 23 points in right now. You bet your ass I’m still planning on letting my voice be heard loud and proud tomorrow. Either way, you have to let your voice be heard! It’s so important. I’m going to vote after classes tomorrow, about 1:30-2pm. Hopefully the polls will be a little less crowded in the middle of the afternoon. I’m really excited to be voting in my first presidential election!</p>
<p>I mean i’m in ohio, so i don’t really think it matters whether i vote.</p>