VT transfer potential

Hello all,

I’m a current student at VWCC and NRCC taking classes that fit within my work schedule. I’m hoping to get some insight on my chances of transferring to VT as I have some questionable things on my transcript. I have three withdrawals and two F’s. The two F’s are in Calc 1 and the Capstone Project (Baja Team). My overall GPA currently is a 3.38. I realize the F’s looks bad, especially in classes that are related to my major (Mechanical Engineering), however, there were reasons outside my control for why I received them. I currently work full-time doing shift work in a union job. I’ve been here 7 years and there is no flexibility in my schedule. The jobs I can get within my work are seniority-based, and if it affects my schedule outside of work there is nothing they can do to work with me. Unfortunately this has had a negative impact on my schoolwork and it shows in my transcript. At the time I was hoping to withdrawal but missed the date for these two. I got an A in Precalc previously and retook Calc 1 and got a C. As far as the Capstone Project, I never retook that because I felt it was a poorly managed setting anyway. I’m unsure if I would be able to have these two F’s removed from my transcript due to work-related issues. They were also taken awhile ago and I wasn’t aware it was possible for them to be disputed until recently.

Also, what effect will the W’s have on my potential to transfer? Ideally I would like to transfer early before completing my Assocates (I only have 34 credits) and get into a work-study program. This would make quitting my job much easier so that I could devote my time more fully to completing school. I’d also like to transfer earlier rather than later because it’s taken me from 2012-2018 just to get these 34 credits out of the way due to work.

My seven years of work experience includes a two year apprenticeship and five years as a journeyman locomotive mechanic. I’m unsure if this experience will be taken into consideration as a transfer student, but I feel it’s somewhat relatable to mechanical engineering and worth mentioning here.

Ws are not “secret Fs” and wont be a factor. Engineering is extremely competitive and the F and C in calc 1 may have already sunk you at this point.